Shadows and Shades - Part 13

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Another week passed, and with every day that ticked by, Crosshair wondered if he'd made the right decision in planting the tracker on Nisa. They had fallen into a routine each night: as they ate dinner and unwound from the day, the datapad sat within view, Nisa's glowing green blip visible to both of them. They'd become familiar with her daily habits and routes, which she seemed to follow religiously. Every evening, Crosshair hoped she'd deviate from her route back to where he assumed her dwelling was, and every day he was disappointed. While he hid that disappointment well, Iden did not. Her shoulders would slump a little lower with every passing second until she'd sigh deeply, plaster a smile across her face, and rise to punch the datapad off and clear their dinner away.

She thinks she's hiding it. But she's so easy to read.

His dismay didn't necessarily stem from Nisa not defecting; it came from watching Iden torture herself, wishing there was a way to save her but knowing it had to be her own decision. He had little doubt Iden had considered stunning her sister and dragging her back to base with them, but they both knew the risk that posed.

We'd endanger the entire rebellion. It has to be her decision. Even if it's not the one we're hoping for.

His datapad beeped on the table, rousing him from his train of thought. Before he could reach for it, Iden had snatched it, her eyes scanning something on the screen.

"What is it?" he drawled, reaching for his glass of wine instead.

"A message from Hunter," Iden replied. "Sounds like they've finally got a plan for us. And some other updates."

He raised an eyebrow. "Other updates?"

She shrugged. "No idea. But better not keep them waiting."

The two of them stood from their small table, moving to the couch where they'd become accustomed to taking Hunter's calls. Crosshair popped a toothpick between his teeth as Iden punched in Hunter's frequency and placed the holopad in the middle of the low table in front of them. Almost immediately, the sergeant's blue glowing form popped into view, but he wasn't alone. Tech stood to his left, eyes locked onto his datapad as usual, but there was something about the way he was bouncing on the balls of his feet with a slight smile tugging at the corner of his lips that struck Crosshair as unusual.

He's certainly chipper. He's normally only like that if he's gotten some new tools. Or come up with some new invention.

Hunter, on the other hand, looked exhausted. It seems he always looks like that these days, Crosshair thought. The sergeant smiled tightly at the two of them. "Good to see you both. It's been a while."

"It has," Crosshair agreed. "Everything alright over there?"

He's clearly got something bothering him.

Hunter sighed. "It's eventful last few days. I'll spare the details since we're short on time, but Master Atiniir was attacked by... by a clone that she and Rex brought back. Commander Wolffe. She's alive, but it was a close call. She'll heal."

Crosshair stiffened. "His chip?"

"Removed before the attack."

"That makes no sense. Then he-"

Hunter nodded. "I know. Like I said, sparing the details. But Rex is going to take him offworld to keep him safe and away from everyone else until he becomes less of a danger. Rex and Gregor are already off scouting for a place to lay low. And when they get back, I have a sneaking suspicion we're going to have a wedding so Rex can take that last name he and Senna have been kicking around."

Iden let out a low whistle. "That's a hell of a development."

Hunter shrugged, but the tension didn't leave his shoulders. "I think the close call served as a reminder that tomorrow isn't guaranteed, particularly with what we're doing here. So, I understand to an extent, I suppose." He glanced over at Tech, who Crosshair noted was practically vibrating. I don't think I've ever seen him like this. Hunter jerked his head at his brother, who stepped forward.

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