Shadows and Shades - Part 17 (Final Part)

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A/N: WELL, THIS IS IT! The last chapter! I fell in love with this fic and these characters more than I thought I would, and I have had the last page of this written for FOREVER. I am so very excited to share it now with you all! As always, I have to thank  Teletraan_1 (AO3) for being an absolutely phenomenal beta reader and friend. These fics don't happen without TJ, and she makes them so much better. SO THANK YOU, TJ! YOU ARE THE BEST, AND I ADORE YOU, DEAR FRIEND!

Warnings: pregnancy, childbirth

"Oi! Out of the way! Can't you see she's pregnant? Make room, ya nerf herders!"

Iden bit back the sigh that was threatening to erupt out of her as Wrecker shooed a group of young rebels from their seats at one of the tables in the mess hall. Only one of them dared toss a glare over their shoulder at the massive clone.

"Got somethin' to say?" Wrecker growled.

"Easy big guy," Iden teased, patting his arm. "I think they got the message." She inhaled deeply before heaving one leg over the bench to straddle it. The tables were frustratingly not accommodating for someone whose stomach was the size of an overinflated bolo-ball, but sitting down was something of a relief nonetheless. Wrecker hovered behind her as she lowered herself down, his hands ready to catch her at any moment, and for once, Iden allowed herself to grip his hand as she plopped onto the bench.

I'm really ready for this to be over.

Iden had never understood the 'beauty' of pregnancy, never being one to fall under the illusion that it was some magical experience where you just flitted about and then one day a baby for the entire galaxy to fawn over just appeared in your arms. However, even having a reasonable set of expectations hadn't prepared her for the way her body had stretched and changed to accommodate their child. The nausea she'd experienced the first few months seemed like a gracious reprieve compared to the back pain, swollen feet, weird cravings, and constant need to urinate.

Oh, and she was still nauseous regularly.

"I'll go get your food and be right back," Wrecker reassured her before jogging off. She allowed herself to lean one arm on the table, patting her belly with her other hand.

"I'm so tired of this. A few weeks to go still, but I think I've had enough."

She'd never really gotten used to the constant fussing and accommodations. Iden was used to being self-sufficient, almost to a detrimental point, but it had become quickly apparent she was going to have to get used to asking for help. She'd even briefly considered asking Crosshair to wait to tell everyone else she was pregnant until she was unable to hide it, if nothing else but to spare herself the hovering and worrying, but when she saw how excited he was the first night back on Yavin 4, she knew she couldn't possibly deprive him of that.

Hunter's mouth had fallen open in shock, Echo had grinned like a fiend, letting out a loud bark of a laugh, and Wrecker had practically started bawling on the spot. Even Tech had looked up from what he was tinkering with to offer congratulations, and then had immediately launched into a barrage of medical questions.

With the slew of varied reactions from his brothers, Omega had been Iden's favorite. She had walked in in the middle of everyone digesting the news, immediately understanding that she'd missed some piece of important information. Her eyes had glided over to Crosshair, and then to Iden, briefly flicking down to look at her belly before meeting her gaze. She stifled a smile.

Maker alive, she's picking up on things quickly, Iden had thought. Senna must be pleased.

Crosshair hadn't seemed to notice Omega's perceptiveness, striding over to her and resting his hands on her shoulders. "I have something to tell you, and I hope you'll be excited." Iden had to stifle a giggle at the way he suddenly got nervous. She knew that he loved the kid, even if he didn't show it in a conventional way. The two of them had a unique relationship, one that existed more in the quiet space and unspoken words when they were just sitting next to one another, but this moment was different for him. Omega smiled up expectantly, waiting for him to tell her what she'd already figured out.

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