"𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤"- Haitani Ran

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Ran x [Gender neutral] reader__________As you walked down the lit streets, thoughts were running through your mind and you couldn't help but let out a deep sign once you stopped

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Ran x [Gender neutral] reader
As you walked down the lit streets, thoughts were running through your mind and you couldn't help but let out a deep sign once you stopped. Lately, your boyfriend ,Ran, had been quite distant it had been like this for 2 months now. But you always made excuses for yourself.

You knew that this wasn't normal since Ran would always spend his free moments texting or seeing you. Smacking your head side to side, you were finally out of your daily overthinking trance and continued walking through the cold streets. Just as you arrived home, you saw a familiar face around the corner.

And to your pleasant surprise it was Ran. But you were confused as you furrowed your eyebrows, he never walked this way. The feeling inside you felt unusual normally seeing Ran would make you ecstatic but this time you couldn't let this anxious feeling go. You brushed it off when he noticed you giving him a small smile.

You ran up to him trying to loosen the tension in the air. "Say Ran.. You never walk this way and you haven't texted me all day." You said bluntly as you wanted answers. "Yeah um sorry about that I was busy and was dealing with some business that Izana sent me to do." Ran said rubbing his neck whilst he avoided eye contact.

"Oh I see then." You replied the anxious feeling in you growing as you two spoke. There was an awkward silence in the air as you both didn't look at each other. "Well then I'll be going now." Before you could even bid him goodbye he had already left and long gone in the distance.
Today was Sunday and you knew Ran always had free time this day. Even though you'd text him every Sunday to see if he'd like to go out, he'd find an excuse to not go. But that didn't stop you, today you wanted to go on a small date after all the last you two went on a date was about 4 months ago. Unfortunately but not to your surprise, Ran had come up with another excuse which you believed and declined.

Heavily sighing, you kicked the pebbles at your feet wondering if you can even try to hold this relationship together. You've always told yourself you're being dramatic or overthinking but this time all those feelings had washed away and you were serious about this decision now.

You truly loved him but seeing him brush you off and not make time for you or even text you without you texting or calling him first hurt. At this point, you didn't know if it was intentional or not. Did you do something or does he not love you anymore? All kinds of those thoughts would rush over you in an instant.

As you shook your head, you decided to call your best friend instead since you knew she'd always be free to hang out with you. "Hey Himari I was wondering if you'd want to grab something to eat you know down at our favourite cafe?" You said as you heard her squeal over the phone. It had been some time since you two caught up in person. "Of course! I could never turn you down!" Himari replied the excitement laced all over her voice. If only Ran was like that.
"WHAT!" Your best friend exclaimed gathering attention from the others in the quiet cafe. After apologising to everyone and calming her down, she continued with her little rant. "And you didn't tell me that Ran had been ignoring you for THIS long because..." she had stopped waiting for a well deserved explanation.

"I thought it would be better talking in person. Look I'm sorry I should've told you sooner but I don't know what to do." You sighed as you put your hands on your head. "Y/n I know you love him but clearly he isn't reciprocating the same feelings back and I don't want you to get hurt again." Himari finished, taking your hand in hers with a pleading look in her eyes.

Knowing what your best friend was saying was correct pained you but you were so blinded by Ran that you held hope that he still cared and loved for you. As you took the last sip of your drink, you bid Himari goodbye and decided to head back since it was starting to get dark.

Although on your way back, you decided to take a little detour to yours and Ran's favourite place the top of the hill where you could get a clear view of the twinkling stars shimmering over the night sky. You didn't get to the top as you heard two voices which was unusual as Ran had confirmed that only you two knew about this place.

When the voices started getting louder, that's when it hit you. That male voice was extremely familiar and when you saw the two toned braided hair and long dark coat you realised it was Ran but he wasn't alone as a female voice sprung out straight after. You didn't think much of it until you got closer and saw the sight in front of you.

They were holding each other tightly as they laughed and chuckled but what broke you inside was the fact Ran had kissed her. You didn't know what you felt anger, sadness, disbelief, confusion perhaps it was all. But now it all made sense, every piece connected together. How he'd ignore you how he'd avoid you, how he'd make excuses. Little by little, all these pieces had chipped away at you.

You didn't want to believe it, it was a complete nightmare and you wanted to wake up. You didn't want to believe the tears running down your face as you stared at their carefree smiling faces. That was supposed to be you in his arms, that was supposed to be you being kissed, you were supposed to be happy with him.

As you stared at him, you had realised something was glistening in his eyes. A spark. The same spark he had when he had fell in love with you.

𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 | ᴏɴᴇꜱʜᴏᴛꜱWhere stories live. Discover now