Age: died at age 25 in 1950
Height: 4'2
Weight: 200 lb
Sexuality: he doesn't know but everyone assumes he's Pansexual
Pronouns: he/him
Hobbies: reading, that'a it
Skills: cooking, and has good aim
Likes: Shadow, tea, oil, classical music, rifles, sunny weather
Dislikes: children (besides the newborns), the main four, nursing, the military, rain, the radio
his Past: was built by Shadow and White's father because the military requested him, he was programmed to be like a nurse so he could take care of the main four, but was alive at one point- He was a soldier during the cold war when humans populated the earth, but due to a bomb attack and most of his body burnt off, so only a portion of his torso and half of his face was what remained, was found by a group of tubby scientists working for the military, just when the tubby population reached a peak, using robot parts to wake him up, with little memory of his past life (he wasn't married, he used to steal alcohol and clothes, so he was seen as wealthy, but was poor, and was recruited by the military)
if there is anything y'all want me to add about him, please tell me