Ron Headcanon

244 6 8

Age: 26

Height: 6'1

Weight: 156 lb

Sexuality: Trans female to male, Gay

Pronouns: he/him

Hobbies: Boxing, listening to music, Roller Staking, and drawing

Skills: boxing and drawing

Likes: Toby, big jackets, energy drinks, thunderstorms, tarantulas, horror movies

Dislikes: family, Dipsy, transphopes, catcalling

Past: was born with Leukocoria, grew up with a big family ( 9 children including himself ), he mostly hung out with Lenny who is his older brother, his mom died when he was 10, which was the only person he loved, came out as trans at 16, began boxing at 17 when he met Toby, got his pet Hops at 20 for his birthday from Toby


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