10 - The Start of Tomorrow

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Traveling down the hall toward his and Draco's maths class, Dudley ventured a glance toward the windows. It was May now and from Dudley's experience that meant he could finally go outside without a jacket again. Yes, they were only two days in, and it'd been a miserable first two days with the near constant rain, but perhaps it'd cleared up since breakfast. Maybe there was even some sunshine to bask in. After the last couple of weeks of unusually heavy rain, Dudley was ready for some fresh air. Maybe he would even play a game of football with some classmates if he got the chance.

When Dudley turned his head, instead of seeing the sky outside, he found his gaze landing on a couple. It was his roommate, Rodney Fletcher and his girlfriend, Brenda Ashland. Watching the two smile at one another as they leaned in to share a kiss, he felt his face heat up as he averted his eyes in both embarrassment and jealousy.

Rodney was a nice enough bloke. He'd shown Draco and Dudley the ropes of Deighton with nary a complaint their first week at school and remained a casual mate to eat lunch alongside and resource for homework and the like, but that was all he was. These days, because of Harry's war, Dudley wasn't very comfortable making serious friends. With the way things were, Dudley knew it was likely he and his family would be moving again any day now. Maybe they would even relocate abroad. Dad had been scoping out a house in America the last time they talked.

But Dudley supposed he should count himself lucky still. He had Draco, who, for all intents and purposes, was his cousin now (though, Dudley would still prefer Harry at his side any day) and wasn't going to leave him any time soon. Glancing once to his "cousin", Dudley curled his lips into a grimace.

There were new dark smudges beneath Draco's eyes. Dudley wondered what his friend was worrying about now. Had he spent half the night up listening to his wizard radio again? Perhaps he had heard something about his parents or old friends? Maybe about Harry? Though, it was more likely the first two. Whenever there was news about Harry, Draco always shared it with Dudley.

Draco knew Dudley worried just as much about his cousin as Draco worried about his mother, after all.

Abruptly, Draco froze. Startled into stopping himself, Dudley asked, "What's wrong?"

Gray eyes wide and awed, Draco reached into his pocket and pulled out a little coin. After staring at it for a long moment, he re-pocketed it and reached into his other pants pocket and pulled out what looked to be a collectible trading card of some kind. Turning his head, he gave Dudley a grin that was part elated and part vicious. "It's time!" he said, eyes wild.

"Time for what?" Dudley asked.

Shaking his head, Draco just repeated, "It's time!" Then, all jubilance gone, he told Dudley, "I'm sorry, but I have to go. Call Vernon."

And with that, Draco disappeared in a whirling motion that drew several students' attentions.

Frowning in his direction, Rodney asked, "Wasn't Drake beside you?"

Dumbfounded, Dudley said, "He was, but he's gone now."

"Gone where?" Brenda asked, frowning.

Dudley couldn't find it in himself to lie. Shrugging his shoulders, hands facing up and outward, he answered, "I don't know."


Ring Ring

"Hello Dad, Drake disappeared."

"What do you mean?"

"We were walking to maths when he said, 'It's time' and vanished."

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