Deep Sleep (2)

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I started searching through the train for Rengoku, and when I finally found him, he was eating many bento boxes that he finds really delicious as he says that over and over very loudly.







"Hm? Oh, Asuga, it's nice to see you, but I must ask! Why are you here?"

I sit in the seat across from him and say.

"I was given a mission from my crow to help you in this one. I'm sure it's gonna be more than just me helping you, but I'm sure I'll be the most useful."

"Ah, you're still you, I see! Wonderful! Still eating good?"

"Of course." I smile.

He smiles more than he usually does, but he locks eyes with me, and his aura changes instantly.

"Asuga, you know I teached you my family's secret ninth form even when you're not of the Rengoku bloodline."

"Yes, Rengoku, I do, and I'm eternally grateful for that."

"I'm not worried about when or who you use it on, but I do have a proposition to give you."

"What would that be?" He stops talking for a bit.

"... How would you like to be a Rangoku relative?"

I am the one who doesn't talk now, and I'm speechless. My eyes are wide, and my jaw is to the floor.

"Like... be adopted into the family?"

"No, just by me."

I stare in his eyes, and I can see he's thought about this a lot, but I can't help to cry even though I'm overzealous.

"I-I'm sorry, Asuga. I didn't mean to make you cry!" He thought I was sad, but for once, he was wrong.

I jump to him and hug him tightly.

"Of course I'll be a Rengoku!"

He smiles and hugs me back, but I go sit back in my seat after a few seconds. He hands me a bento box, and once I take a bit, I see why he was yelling 'delicious' cause it was, and I can't help but yell that too. It seems I'm more like him after all the Hashira and Tsuguko training. My hair is even spikes like his in some places. My tips that are white are all spike, and my forehead is framed with dark red spikes. Kinda like Rengokus' hair. I laugh a bit.

"But you'll still have your last name, of course. I know how important that name is to you, and frankly, I think it sounds cool."

"Thanks, Kyojuro. I think so, too."

I go back to eating. I'm too indulged into my meal that I don't see the demon slayer trio of Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke. But the flicker of light broke my hunger trance.

"And you're the kid from that day at the Master's."

'Oh yeah, Tanjiro was at the Hashira meeting. Rengoku told me all about it.'

"Yes." The fellow red head says. "I'm Tanjiro Kamado. They are my fellow demon slayers, Zenitsu Agatsuma and Inosuke Hashibira."

"I see. And inside that box there..."

"Yes. It's my sister Nezuko."

"Right! The demon we saw that day, huh? Since the Master and Asuga have acknowledged her, I won't say any word for now."

Tanjiro looks happy and shoots a smile my way. Rengoku pats the spot next to him, and that's where he sits.

Zenitsu and Inosuke sit next to each other even though all Inosuke is trying to do makes Zenitsu worry and stop him at all turns.

Tanjiro supports what I told Rengoku a few minutes ago about having more than just me as reinforcements. But now it's more than just me that could prove to be useful.

Once I noticed Tanjiro only talking to Rengoku, probably about something important, I butted out of the conversation and layed sideways in my seat. I had my legs over the top of Nezukos box and my head against the arm rest next to the aisle. Even when he told Tanjiro to become his Tsuguko, it didn't bother me because we would all get better together, and I'm the only flame breather here besides Rengoku.

Eventually, the conductor came to us and stamped our tickets. The lights flicker again, then off for a second, then on again.

'Somethings not right.'

I sit up straight as I get an eerie feeling from this train, more than it already had given off.

I stand up when Rengoku does, and I'm just behind him.

The lights flicker again, and a demon shows up.

The people around the man eater are terrified at the sight. Rengoku speaks to the large demon.

"Was it a blood demon art that hid that massive body? I had a hard time detecting you. But if you bear your fangs at innocent people... my bright red flame blade will burn you to the bone!"

The demon screams like a monster and dashes to Rengoku, but he performs the first form of flame breathing and kills the killer. He bursts through into the second train car, and we four follow after the body explodes.

Rengoku is facing a long armed demon. But Inosuke tries to kill it before saving the man about to be eaten. Rengoku saves Inosuke from being impaled by tendrils and saves the man.

Rengoku kills the demon in short after using the second form of flame breathing.

The three boys practically float around Rengoku in admiration and beg to get trained by him as he gracefully accepts.


I blink, and I'm in a crowded street, bright lights, and good smelling food.

I breathe heavily and run through the crowd, pushing them away until I'm given some space.

'Where am I? What happened? Why am I-'

"Big sis!"

I look behind me and see a little kid.

"Big sis, let's go. we have to go home!"

'Big sis? Home?'

I see her. My mouth opens, and my cries are heard from it. I drop to my knees and hold my head. I'm crying at the sight of her.

I look back up and see more like the little girl. One older girl and both that look similar and a much older woman with slight signs of age.

"Asuga, are you ok?" She asks.

I look at them crazily and try to speak, but I'm too baffled. I think I became too nervous or just too crazy as I see darkness now.

demon slayer x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now