chapter 2- Aaron

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After i was released by the women in black they sent me to the headministers office to go get my necessities from the office i was also joined by another boy who looked to be the same age as me, but i later figured he was alsonew to this place aswell!, so me and the other boy went to the headministers office to go get what we needed with our very short hair as i entered to room i was amazed by how better it looked compared to the old nasty cleansing room as i walked further into the nice medium sized office i saw the headminister himself he told us his name was Mr. Wagner and asked us in a very slow speaking matter "" i gave him a concerned look and i told him "My name is Eksá:'a" he replied with "Oh so you speak english very well huh?" i laughed it off, but deep inside i felt like smaking the living shit out of that old man for thinking that "our kind" is retarded or something, yet the headminister said to me "well your new name will be Andrew for now on" i was furious that i could not keep my name given by my family, but as he was asking the other boy from another tribe what his name was the same way he did towards me ,so the boy replied in ojibway very angered twoards the headminister, but the headminister kept his cool and told him to reply in english, but shortly after the ojibway boy tried to run out from the school angered, yet the women in black slammed the door right before he could of gotten out, and the headminister ordered the women in black to whip the boy with a belt at least 5 times i tried to look away but my little kid mind couldn't comprehend what happened right in-front of me, yet shortly after the ojibway boy was whipped he told the headminister that his name was "Aaron" although i only met the boy for less than 5 minutes i knew that we would be good friends. After meeting with the headminister i was given a bed with a number 18 on the frame, a number tag that said "18", as well as a new pair of clothes for all seasons. As bedtime rolled around i was told i had to sleep here for 2 weeks, and from there i could head from school and home. As i went into my hospital like bed the women in black told everyone to get on their knees and say "The Lords Prayer", but the only problem was i didn't know anything about some lords prayer, nor anything about a bible, so instead i just followed what everyone else was doing on their knees even though i had no idea why we were doing it all i understood was if i didnt do what everyone else was doing i would get punshed with the belt like Aaron did with the headminister. As morning arrived i was rudely awaken by the noise of a very loud bell noise which also woke everyone else up too!, so i followed what everyone else did i put on my clothes and made my bed, but Aaron was confronted by one of the men who also dressed in black which alot of people called "father" i looked over onto his bed to see what was going on, but when i did the man in black grabed Aaron by the neck and pushed his head onto the urine stained sheets until the other man in black told him "that's enough now leave him alone!" and told Aaron to go put his stained sheets in the laundry room as it was already time for breakfast, so everyone went into a single file line there was one line for girls and one line for boys, so everyone walked into the dining hall in a single file line into our assigned seats, so i went to go find my number in the assigned seating area and sat down, but when i saw the food i was disgusted and grossed out by the time everyone was in their seats the men and women in black began their meals with the lords prayer like always even though i still didn't know it i tried to follow what everyone else was saying as well as the weird hand movement at the end of those prayers, so as i began eating the food they gave us i immediately spit it out on my bowl i didn't even know what kind of meal it was, but thankfully i was seated next to my new friend Aaron who was from the ojibway tribe, yet even though i was from the mohawk tribe and he was from the ojibway tribe we started talking more from there on.

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