Hiccup gets chosen.

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Disclaimer - I don't own the characters or the movie.

Key: italics is thought.

Hiccup's P.O.V
The crowds were cheering.
"You won, Hiccup! You get to kill the monstrous nightmare!' Gobber shouted.
"Great," I said. "I am so..."

Timeskip to later in the cove

"Leaving bud, we're leaving."
Toothless warbled happily. We played for a bit. Suddenly, I heard footsteps outside the cove.
"Toothless, hide!" I hissed
He bounded away silently.
An axe landed millimetres away from my head. Astrid, I thought. She stormed into the cove.
"Who were you talking to?" She demands angrily.
"Er... No one, myself?" I offered.
"What's your secret, Hiccup? Because no one gets as good as you do, especially you! You better start talking. Are you training secretly?" She shouts at me.
"No, I - "
"And what are you wearing?" She interrupts me.
"A-an outfit. Yeah, an outfit. I have been making these to help in the ring. You caught me."
The bushes rustled and A Astrid turned around. I stepped in front of her. "Take me back now, since you caught me," I say hurriedly. She twists my arm and pushes me away.
"Ow! What was that for?!"I turn around to find her staring at Toothless in horror. Oh no. She raises her axe above her head and Toothless growls. I got up quickly and ran over to Toothless. I push him back and say to a furious Astrid, "Astrid Toothless, Toothless Astrid." She froze and then turned and ran away.  "Du du dun... we're dead." Toothless looked at me like it was my fault, and it probably was. I sighed, I had to go after her. I got on Toothless and flew after her.

Astrid's P.O.V

I ran away from Hiccup. I have to tell the chief that Hiccup has a dragon friend, I thought. I never thought he would be able to tame a night fury, after all, they are the offspring of lightning and death itself! Suddenly, my feet weren't touching the ground anymore and something black was carrying me by the arm. "Hey, let me go!" I shouted to Hiccup. His pet night fury dropped me on a very high branch of a tree. 

"Let me explain-" He starts. 

I cut him off, "I'm not listening to anything you say!" 

"Then I won't speak, just let me show you," He offered me his hand. I slapped it away and climbed on the night fury, not believing that I was actually doing this. "Toothless down, gently" The dragon launched off the branch violently and I started to scream. "What is wrong with you? Bad dragon! He's not usually like this. Oh no," The night fury dives under the water and back out again. "What are you doing? We need her to like us!"Hiccup shouts. I screamed again. I'm gonna die. Odin, help me! I'm too young to die! "And now the spinning. Thank you for nothing, you useless reptile." 

"Okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, just get me off this thing," I said. Immediately, Toothless stopped spinning. I started to see the wonder in flying. I reached up and touched the pale pink clouds. Everything is so beautiful! 

Toothless' P.O.V

Finally, she says sorry. She dared to hurt my human and no apologies! She's my friend now. I calmed down and stopped spinning.  She relaxed and enjoyed it more.

Hiccup's P.O.V

As soon as Toothless stopped spinning, Astrid relaxed and sat up. I saw the wonder in her eyes as she reached up to touch the fluffy clouds with both arms. I'm glad she's enjoying it.

My first chapter! This story is on its way. I hope you liked this chapter. I won't add the red death yet as I will add it later on in the story. I will try to get more chapters up soon but it will probably take a long time. Do not expect frequent updates. Bye!

- Sam

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