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The sound of the final bell rings like music to my ears. I proceed to start packing my supplies in my backpack.

"We'll finish the essays on Monday." Drones Mr. Moes. "No homework and have a great weekend."

I intend to. I bolt for the door and head into the already congested hallway. It's one of those dismal where I'm glad I didn't use my locker.

"Hey," My best friend, Ty shoulders his way through the crowd. "So you gonna hang at my place or crash Will's?"

I smile. "Whichever works best. But personally, I hear Will's brother coming over this weekend and he might bring some of his female friends. You know how college girls are."

"Sounds like a plan."

Noticing some of his basketball teammates, Ty nods bye and heads off. Personally, I don't see the point beyond any sport other than soccer.

Exiting the building I begin to head towards the buses when I'm confronted by a red-haired pest.

"Hey, Lester," Daphne says. "Whatcha doin' this weekend?"

She's oblivious to the disgusted look I'm giving her as she strides along side me.

"You know you can swing by my place. I'm all by myself this evening and I got some new comic books."

I have absolutely no interest in hanging out with Daphne Rogers on a perfectly good weekend. Daphne with her wild red hair and freckled face is usually in her fantasy world and always ready to irritate me with her thousand and one questions about whether I would like to do this or that with her. I don't know what I did that made her feel like we were friends. Even her scent is repulsive to me; a mixture of cat urine and sour milk.

"Thanks but no thanks." I hurry to lose her in the growing crowd.

"Hey Lester, you taking the bus home today?" Marcy says to me as she appears seemly out of nowhere. Taking in the look on my face she asks. "What's wrong?"

I continue to walk at a brisk pace. "Don't stop, just keep walking. She'll probably start following."

Without asking who, she matches my pace and we hurry to the flagpole.

Stopping me, Marcy points over to where a blonde haired girl hustles over to us. "Kels and I were thinking of heading over to the gas station to pick up some things on the way home. You could tag along if you want?"

"Little juvenile, don't you think?"

Scoffing, she smiles, "It'll be like old times."

"What will be like old times?" Kellie asks.

"Nothing," Marcy says waving her hand dismissively. "We should get going."

As we begin to walk toward the front entrance of the school Kellie begins rattling on as she usually does- most likely about crap. "I think Jack Zinners is hitting on me. I mean he's cute and whatnot, I noticed him back in middle school. I follow him on Twitter-"

"And he's already dating Milly." Marcy contradicts.

Pursing her lips, Kellie replies with her usual flip of her hair. "Who cares?" She perks up when she notices Ty coming our way.

"Um...buses are that way." He says jokingly.

"Um...but the gas station' that way," Marcy replies mockingly jerking her head in the direction of the station. "Wanna come?"

Ty smirks, "I didn't think you'd ask."

With the front entrance of the campus in view, I realized I should've texted my sister that I'm walking home, so she can tell mom and dad if I come home late. They'll be pissed if we lose our reservations at that restaurant downtown. It took several months in advance to book.

I start to take out my phone to text Shelia when I hear a voice behind me.

"Lester! Wait up."

I sigh as I slip the phone back in my pocket. Marcy and the others make a disgusted look and continue to the street.

"Lester, you-you and I could hang somewhere else if my place isn't ideal." She huffs as she tries to catch her breath from the brisk jog. "Oh! I hear they're plain that new sci-fi movie at the thea-"

I give her a cold look. "Daphne."

She stands up and looks at me eagerly to hear my response.

"I wouldn't want to be caught dead with you even in the dark, so please stop ruining my weekend and find somebody else to annoy the fuck out of."

She looks gobsmacked but I don't wait to see the rest of her reaction as I begin to head toward where my friends are waiting for me.

"Dude, what did you say to her? She looks like she's about to cry." Ty says.

"Really? I feel like you should be embarrassed especially if you're about to start wailing in public. I mean you're like in high school, grow up a little bit." Kellie sneers.

Silently agreeing with her, Marcy and Ty whisper ferociously back and forth. Kellie meanwhile takes the opportunity to jeer at Daphne.

"Too bad all the buses left. She would've been so red right now." She says it loud enough for Daphne and anyone else in earshot to hear. "Grow up a little, it's the real world."

I don't look turn around and look back. I wonder if it's guilt or shame, but then push it off and just go along with it.

"Yeah, she should thicker skin. People say way worst than what I said."

Daphne, who was looking down at the ground, now looks up with a puzzled look on her blotchy face. She begins to walk towards us.

"She never gives up does she?" Marcy says irritability.

Kellie continues her taunts, but instead of backing down, she begins to pick up speed and starts jogging and mouthing something. Too far away for the words to be heard.

Displeased by the refusal to back down, Kellie stops taunting. "Come on guys, she's just being weird." They all agree and turn to face forward instead, towards me.

I see Daphne getting closer. Running at full speed now. Her red hair blazing wildly, shouting at us now.

"Lester! Lester! Lester stop!"

Her alarming tone confuses me but quickly turns into annoyance. "Why can't you just leave me alone." I think.

My feet leave the curb. That's when I realize I've been walking backward this whole time. I stop.

Daphne has reached where Ty, Marcy, and Kellie are standing. I can't hear what they're saying from this distance, but Kellie shoves Daphne and I can tell by her appearance she's continuing to taunt her again. Daphne' looking at me. It's not a crazed look I was expecting but instead fear and pleading.

I look down. "When did I end up in the street?" I look back up.

My last sight is Daphne on the grass screaming something at me.


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