The buzzing in my brain is what wakes me from my sleep.

Glancing around my room, I notice the door is slightly ajar letting in the soft voices of the television. Even with the volume so low, every little noise is thundering in my head, so much so that it feels that at any second my head will explode.

Slowly getting up, I shut the door and lower the blinds on the window. There's nothing to see out there anyway, just rain and gray clouds. Returning over to my bed I step on a condom- used.

Flopping back onto the bed I pull out my phone to check if I have any updates. But just glancing at my messages tells me what I'm in for.

Yo Ty, whats been happening?

Hey bro I've heard you've been a little depressed lately. Call me whenever.

I wish everyone would just leave me alone. Yes, I'm not exactly been acting the way I usually do, but my best friend just died and I witnessed the whole ordeal. Forgive me for being down in the dumps.

Searching through my phone I pause to stare at my contact list. Kellie. I haven't texted her in a while. I haven't texted anyone in a while. Marcy sent me an email not too long ago, but other than that I haven't heard from her or anyone else. Scrolling down further, I stop at the L section. I only have two people in that category. I told myself time and time again to just speed pass that section. Maybe this is one of the reasons I no longer use my phone. I can never bring myself to delete his contact even though I'll never need it again.

Before I know it, though, I'm scanning through our text messages. Our last conversation was the night before that fatal Friday.

I need your advice


So you know Nina Blakes?

The one on the volleyball squad with the hair that looks like an eagle's nest?

It's a weave

It's a bad weave

Yeah but her tits make up for it

What about her? You finally going to ask her out?


And you need me for backup...

Wow*false amazement*it's like you read my mind!

I do have a trait for that
So tomorrow I have to go downtown to this swanky restaurant my parents booked months ago so I won't be able to do anything after school. They want me home right after I get off the bus

That's cool. I wasn't really going anywhere after school anyway.


Forgot to do my English HW

I forgot to do my History HW. Screw homework

I know but I have to do it. I have an D in that class and I might get knocked off the team if I don't have a C or higher. Plus my mom would be pissed man

Linger: A NoveletteWhere stories live. Discover now