5 | fever brain got me chasing nosebleeds

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quick reminder that I made a spotify playlist for this fic!!!

quick reminder that I made a spotify playlist for this fic!!!

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You woke up, eyes idly opening just to shut right after. Stupid sun. You scrunched your nose, groaning as you pulled yourself up rubbing your eyes. An unknown, yet familiar smell hit your nose, and that's when you realized — you're probably not in your bed. You immediately opened your eyes wide, only to regret that after getting jump scared by another sun ray.

"Ow, ow ow," you rubbed your eyes. "Stupid sun..." Your gaze drifted around the room and you noticed that you were, in fact, in your own room. You recalled last night, a pink tint appearing on your face as you remembered who brought you home.

You got up from your bed seeing the late hour it was. Damn, how long can you sleep for? It was almost two pm now, it's like you hibernated. You scolded yourself mentally for the long sleep, stepping out of your room. You really did need to eat something, looking back at the fact the only thing you ate since yesterday were those marshmallows and half a piece of roasted bread at the campfire.

You groaned, dragging yourself down the stairs. Lets just hope that—

"You overslept for breakfast," your mom appeared in your view, in sweatpants and messy hair, one arm wrapped around her stomach and the other holding coffee.

"I know, I'm sorry," you started, walking past her to get to the fridge.

"You know you slept for like, sixteen hours?"

You glanced back at her, opening the food source, "not the first time, honestly."

She chuckled, walking into the kitchen and sitting on the island, going back to a book she was reading. "Right. I made waffles."

"Really?" you peeked into the fridge, only to find out there is no waffles inside. "You're lying!"

"I'm not," your mom smirked. "You're just late."

You really did try to hold back and not say 'fuck you' to your mother.

You groaned, closing the fridge and taking an apple from the island instead. It's gonna have to fill you until later.

"Any plans for today?" you asked, biting into the fruit.

Your mom smiled briefly, turning the page. "Dinner with the Marsh's family. We're leaving at four, and you better shower before that." She took a sip of her coffee. "You smell like a homeless smoker."

"Thanks," you chuckled. "Isn't Marsh that guys... I think Stans last name?"

"Maybe, Sharon mentioned something about having kids." She saw your raised eyebrow and continued, "his mom, probably. I work with her now."

"Oh, sweet."

You moved to the living room, just sitting down on the sofa and mindlessly staring at the television, biting into the abnormally sweet fruit. The news channel was on, and for some reason a midget in bikini was talking to the screen. You raised an eyebrow, looking around for the remote to switch to something different.

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