They Should of Left

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Andrei sighed quietly. "And to think I actually liked you two. Oh well."

Suddenly, his hand twisted around and grabbed Tawes' forearm. With a display of surprising agility, he swung around the red wasp and ended up behind him, still clutching the cop's forearm. Although Tawes could not see it, Finnegan could: Andrei pulled out a pair of handcuffs, likely looted off of Frank!

But before Finnegan could act, Andrei grabbed Tawes' other wrist and slapped the handcuffs off, binding the officer's hands behind his back. Expecting retaliation, he grunted and shoved Tawes towards Finnegan, sending the red wasp barreling towards his partner!

Finnegan caught the surprised Tawes and stopped him from tumbling over. The yellow and black wasp looked his partner in the eyes, before going to his belt and grabbing his keys to unlock the cuffs. All the while, Tawes used his second set of arms to and attempt to grab at the taser on his belt...only to feel the leather strip of his belt to not be there.

Frantic, he looked around for the belt, wondering if he had misplaced it back in their cruiser. A foolish mistake if he had.

Lo behold, he had. And unfortunately for the both of them, Andrei was not fleeing. He went barreling towards Finnegan, tackling him into the ground! The keys for the cuffs went sprawling onto the ground, slipping along the ground and falling into a sewer grate several feet away. Bad luck.

Immediately, Andrei reached onto Finnegan's belt and grabbed the handcuffs, "Sorry about this!" He started to handcuff the scotsman much like he did Tawes.

"Arrgh. Let go of me, ya bloody fucker!" Finnegan angrily shouted as he kicked and bucked at the grip of Andrei.

Tawes, in the commotion, used the opportunity to tackle Andrei to the ground, gripping his legs and driving the larger wasp to the asphalt of the road. He struggled with him, trying to hold him down with the two arms of his that weren't bound up.

Andrei growled, letting go on Finnegan. He wrestled with Tawes, using two of his arms to fight and pry at the cop's. His other two, well...

He reached into the front of Tawes' pants and grabbed two fistful of briefs. With a loud grunt, he yanked up very hard, giving the red wasp a brutal melvin! '

' Andrei thought to himself, narrowing his eyes and giving several more sharp yanks.

"Ahh! Ahhh!" Tawes shouted in surprise. The officer looked down in shock, as his black and yellow stripped briefs were tugged right out of the front of his black pants. The hardened cop couldn't help but put on a slight blush as the custom briefs were yanked right up to his chest, easily making the leg holes visible.

Finnegan looked at his partner in shock as well, partially at the wedgie, and partially at the choice of underwear he was wearing.

Andrei was still aware of the other cop, so he worked quickly. He yanked the front of Tawes interestingly-colored briefs several more times until they were high enough, his other arms forced Tawes' last remaining free arms into the leg holes and began to tie them up. Wedgie bondage!

A few seconds later, the red wasp was fully tied up and dealt with. Grunting and shoving him off, Andrei quickly rushed at Finnegan, intent on doing something similar to him!

Tawes' grunted out in pain as the burning sensation on his nethers set in. The red wasp collapsed to his knees as he struggled against both the handcuffs and his own underwear. A sense of embarrassment washed over Tawes, along with a wave of anger. He struggled to get free, just so he could charge at Andrei with full force.

As his comrade struggled, Finnegan rolled away from Andrei. The paper wasp was a little more ready for the thug than Tawes was, but his handcuffed upper arms still restricted his speed and mobility. Being bound behind his back, the cuffs also prevented him from using his wings, something that could very much help him out right now.

And that was something Andrei was going to use to his advantage. With a grunt, he kicked off from the ground and flew very quickly towards Finnegan, intent on tackling the scotsman right into the ground!

A few seconds later, he made contact, pushing his fellow paper wasp right into the asphalt. Much like with Tawes, Andrei was intent on holding Finnegan down with two arms, and the other two reaching down towards the front of the cop's pants.

Finnegan resisted fiercely, writhing, fighting back and letting a slew of curses and insults, some familiar and others not. Had his arms and wings been free, he might have even stood a chance against Andrei in a fair fight. This was no fair fight though...

As he struggled, the fabric of his briefs became slightly visible. The wasp was wearing bright red briefs! Matching his partner too in fact! Finnegan's insults became more vulgar and his movements became stronger and more rapid, as he tried to pry himself from Andrei's devious grip.

Andrei was too strong, though, and Finnegan's struggling failed. With a deep chuckle, Andrei gripped the front of the briefs and gave them a firm tug upwards, exposing the leg holes with one mere yank! "Sorry, Officer Finnegan, but you leave me no choice~!"

Soon, he had Finnegan tied up much like Tawes was, one pair of arms bound up in a frontal wedgie and the other set handcuffed behind the back. Standing up, he glanced between both wasp cops, feeling like a real badass.

Finnegan's scream was louder than Tawes', but it was filled with even more rage. Finnegan glared at Andrei with a look that could kill, likely mentally conjuring up many ways to harm the wasp in front of him. Both cops were bound in briefs that sported designs that matched that of their partner's skin tone. A picture opportunity like this would likely be a

humiliating experience for the two officers once they got free.

The only question was if Andrei was willing to go that far again.

And Andrei was not going to show that. Not yet, at least. With a deep laugh, he grabbed Finnegan and started dragging him back towards his partner. "I have something special in mind for you two~"

He pushed the two of them together back-to-back. Now the duality of their briefs was a lot more obvious... and embarrassing for them! With a smirk, the deviant grabbed the back of Tawes' yellow-and-black briefs and started yanking it up his back hard and fast!

"Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!" Came Tawes' ear shattering scream. The pressure on his crotch increased almost tenfold, coupled with a new pain on his asscrack. The cop's cheeks scrunched together as the black and yellow fabric flossed the wasp's ass.

Finnegan grunted as well as he felt Tawes' briefs go past his head and brush against his antennae. Tawes' screams filled the paper wasp with dread, but he continued to growl, his hands working on his own handcuffs now.

Finnegan was surprised as Tawes' briefs hooked over his head and eyes. A cross-atomic wedgie!

With a deep laugh, Andrei grabbed the scotsman's red briefs and started yanking them up too, going to repeat the same thing. "Oh, this is already looking amazing. Maybe you two should be underwear, or wedgie, models~"

The two cops, flustered, writhed and squirmed. Their faces were highlighted through the fabric of their undies as their cross atomic was completed, their mandibles closing and shutting. Groans of pain and embarrassment left both of the cops' mouths, highlighting just how utterly humiliating the experience was for them.

Under the wedgie, Finnegan continued working on his handcuffs. Oh, he was gonna make this asshole scream now, and he didn't care

much trouble he got in with the department for doing so. Tawes, likewise, was angered and ready for blood, although he kept his distaste more well hidden. His head turned to look at Andrei, despite his vision being obscured by the red fabric of Finnegan's underwear.

Much to Tawes' horror, he could see flashes of light through the fabric. Andrei was taking pictures of them! "Oh, the web is gonna love this. Two cops, stuck in a cross atomic wedgie. You two are gonna be as famous as Frank~"

After snapping several, Andrei walked over and patted Finnegan's head, "Well, with that done, I think I'll just be off. Have a good night, wedgie cops!"

With that, he turned and started leaving the area, posting the photos online as he did so.

To be continued

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