"I'm pregnant Xander McCoy! With your God damn child you idiot!" I shouted at the d**k in front of me.

"You're what!? That wasn't in the fucking plan! How can you get pregnant? We only f*****d once Cassandra!" Xander shouted back at me.

"You're hurting me Xander, stop doing this to me. You're breaking me slowly. I know you and I were forced into an arranged marriage but please... you're going to break me." I sat down on the cold tiled floor with my hands on my face, whilst I took deep breaths to hold back the tears.

"If you think I care about your feelings Cassandra, then you're very wrong. I don't love nor like you. You're just a complication or rather, a glitch in my life that I need to get rid of." He turned his back to me when I looked up at him in disbelief.

"Fine then Xander! Be cold! Be a rock! Be an a**hole! Be like that! I've warned you, remember my warning Xander McCoy!" I jogged up the stairs and stopped at the top. "I can't hide this anymore... I love you Xander." I rushed to my room and locked myself inside, after my confession.

Moving away from the door I sighed and walked towards my bed, plugging in my earphones, I listened to Billie Eilish. Gosh I love this b***h! Her words speak to me and heal my almost broken heart.

I wish I could just sleep and wake up from this nightmare that I'm in. I got married off to the McCoy family by my not so loving mother who thinks I'm at fault for Dad's death.

I've always read those types of stories where the mother or father would blame their own child for an accident that happened long time ago costing the loss of one parent. Yes it hurts, like the way to heaven but putting the blame on the child? That's idiotic!

Now I'm that child. The only difference Is that I don't get a happy ending. I'll be miserable for the rest of my very dry life. Mother hates me. The man I love hates me. My relatives don't even care about me. The only thing I'm holding onto is this beautiful thing that's growing inside of me.

My baby. My precious gift from above. My life.

I don't know when I had drifted off, but I woke up to the sound of a female screaming in pleasure. I sighed and headed down the stairs for a glass of milk and cookies, as Xander enjoyed himself.

He's going to be the death of me. I don't know how I fell for him maybe it's because he deflowered me or as the youth say -- he took away my virginity.

Enough of my problems, let me introduce myself:

I was Cassandra Waters, now McCoy. I'm pregnant for a man that hates me more than I hate my own existence and I have a mother that hates everything about me. I have three cousins, four Aunts and one uncle plus a grandfather. They all hate me. At least my Dad's family loved me, but they're all late.

Life Sucks!

"FUCK me harder!" Oh come on! That wasn't even necessary... plus I can't even say this is my house, fuck off bitch! Ugh! Even if I could say that, it would just be a waste of my time or breath since my husband insults me at every given moment.


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