Groaning... I woke up, the pain was unbearable. I got out of bed only to fall onto the floor as I screamed in pain. Xander ran into my room.

"What the heck are you screaming for!? Are you trying to kill the baby?! Get up from the floor Cassandra!" He shouted.

"I... I can... can't... pai-pain... hurts." I managed to let out and he groaned, slowly walking towards me with disgust on his face.

The moment he picked me up, his face turned frantic.

"Oh my God!" He shouted and quickly picked me up. When we got to his car, he laid me at the back seats -- gently. Then everything started getting blurry.

"No! Open your eyes! Cassy... please don't close your eyes." He begged but I couldn't handle the pain anymore -- and I shut my eyes, drowning in darkness.


Waking up in a cold looking room, with no one to give a sh*t about my well being. Sighing, I tried to sit up but I was sore 'down there'.

I groaned out and closed my eyes due to the pain. Just after sitting up properly, the doctor walked in with a nurse trailing him.

"Afternoon Mrs McCoy." He greeted and I smiled at him.

"Afternoon Doc and Nurse." I responded.

"Where's Mr McCoy?" The doctor asked, making me roll my eyes mentally.

"I'm sure he's got better things to do or he's at wor-" Before I could finish my sentence, the Devil walked in.

"Thank God you're awake." He sounded genuinely worried and looked stressed as well.

"Speak of the Devil..." the doctor spoke and asked Xander to sit. "I don't know how to say this, I'm sorry but you lost your baby." Those words made me freeze, everything went in slowmo.

"Excuse me... what?" Xander finally spoke after a few minutes of silence.

"I'm afraid you lost the baby sir." The doctor said, breaking my heart into pieces.

"Lost... My... Blue?" I asked between breaths.

"Fuck!?" Xander shouted as the pair walked out to give us some space. "It's my fault, I pushed you and killed our baby." He realised but I just kept quiet.

No cry, scream or any sound, was emitted from my lips. I was lost without my Blue, I'm done. The only person I cared about, the only one that loved me. I'm officially done.

"Cassy?" Xander softly called out. I just looked at him with my empty heart, I no longer felt anything. Love, hate, jealousy, pain... nothing. I'm just an abyss of nothingness.

"I'm sorry Cassy, I was an a**hole. I treated you like sh*t. I didn't know you were innocent, I thought you only married me for my money. I didn't know you were forced into this too. I'm so so sorry." He tried to touch me but I flinched away from him.

"I'm done." I managed to get out.

"No Cassy, I'm sorry... I've changed please, please give me a chance, just one last chance. I promise I won't mess up this time." He pleaded, but I just looked away from him to the outside, through the window.


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