I heard him break everything in the room, I felt the pain he was feeling... but I couldn't get rid of the darkness that lurked inside of me.

Most of the time when he talks, I hear him but I'm not really listening. When he said he wanted to take his life, I felt a pang of guilt in my heart. That's the only feeling I've felt in two months.

Most of the time I just sit and stare blankly at the window. Not thinking, just staring. Thoughts are no longer circulating in my mind because I felt like a slave in my own body.

Sometimes I starve myself with the hopes of dying and sometimes I just don't feel the hunger or need to eat. I hate that I always feel guilty about how I'm shutting Xander out.

I love him, more than I ever did. My love for him has grown over the seconds, minutes, days, weeks and months of despair.

"Cassy look at me... look at me babygirl." I looked up at him and noticed the tears streaming from his eyes. "I'm sorry babygirl, I'm sorry. I'll regret the mistake of taking our baby away from you for the rest of my life but I would never survive your rejection." He knelt in front of me on both his knees.

"It took me long time to admit this to myself, but I can't keep denying my feelings. I love you Cassandra McCoy, more than life itself because you are my life. You are the air that I breathe. You, everything in my life is you. Without you, I'm nothing. No one. I'm just a waste of breath and/or space." He said as tears flowed freely down his flawless face to meet at his chin and drop onto his chest.

"I... I'm... sor... sorry." My voice came out rough and scratchy. He looked into my eyes, as if he was experiencing his first ever roller coaster ride.

"Babygirl?" He called out, for confirmation.

"Wat... water." I managed to let out. He hugged me and ran out of the room, only to come back with a glass of water. I tried to hold the glass but he wouldn't let me... He literally forced me to drink the whole glass with an excuse that I hadn't had much lately.

"Thank... you." My throat was now a little better and I could speak properly without forcing it.

"You're back... you're really back." Tears welled up in his eyes as he knelt in front of me. "I'm sorry for everything babygirl. I'm very sorry, I just thought you married me because of my money." He sighed as a tear slipped down his very handsome face.

"I understand and I don't blame you for Blue's death. Yes you pushed me and I fell but I should've... should've tol-told you about... the... pai-pains." My voice cracked towards the end. "Please don't cry, you're making me cry too." I wiped his tear and smiled at him.

"I love you so much Cassandra. I'm sorry that it took me so long to realise." His forehead was now against my own.

"I love you too Mister Xander McCoy." I said, and tears of joy rolled down my face like a river. "I'm sorry for crying you a river but I just can't help it. I'm so happy but so sad at the same time. Sad, because I couldn't protect our Blue... I feel like I failed him/her." I wailed.

"It's my fault babygirl... I was selfish and idiotic. If I hadn't pushed you, Blue would still be alive and kicking... literally." He said and I chuckled, feeling a little bit better. "You aren't at fault here Cassy. I am... I'll forever be." He said and I sobbed more.

"No... you can't say that, I'm sure Blue forgives you and would want you to live freely. I forgive you too, everything is forgiven." I sighed and smiled at him. "Even though it'll take time for us to move on from this, we will. We're stronger, together. I'm giving you my heart for the last time Mister McCoy... if you break it, I'm breaking yours also... so that we can both be broken together." I said and he laughed, his laughter was a sweet taste to my tongue, a soothing jazz note to my ears and a life changing experience to my body, mind and soul.

"I really missed you... fussy lady." He said and we both chuckled. "I love you Woman." He added and we laughed.

"You're such a clown man." I giggled... as his response, he kissed me passionately -- making me moan loudly.

"Naughty, aren't we?" He chuckled after he pulled out of our kiss, making me blush and cover my face.

"No." I whined, trying to get up... only to fall back on the sofa.

"Whoa... No walking for you, until you get healthier. Let's get to feeding you." He winked at me, picking me up bridal style.


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