Chapter 20

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Harry's POV

"Do you have any idea what the challenge will be?" Hermione asks, coming back into our part of the library with about ten books under her arms.

"I have no idea." I respond.

"Why would you wait until the day before to worry about this challenge. You'd think you would've learned from the last Tournament." Hermione nags.

Ginny tries to comfort me by rubbing my back which helps but it doesn't help with the nagging Hermione.

"How is he suppose to study something he doesn't know?" Ginny says seeing I'm a hard time with this.

"He has to prepare for every outcome. I wish Hagrid could show you what the challenge is going to be." Hermione continues to nag.

I wish too, but I don't think he even knows." I say trying to concentrate on the task at hand. Which I'm finding to be very hard, with Hermione nagging me every two minutes.

After another hour of studying and a nagging Hermione, we all decide that the only thing left we can do is have a good night sleep. But I can't sleep. I'm so worried about tomorrow. I'm worried I might have a nightmare about tomorrow. Nightmares have been all I see at night. The only solution is Ginny. Whenever I'm with her, no bad can come to me. I really need her tonight. I really hope she'll be able to stay with me. We can't go anyway because her mom might see us and we can't let that happen again. I can't sleep in the Common Room because there's always people there so won't be alone. She can't sleep with me in my dormitory because Ron will never allow that. The only thing I can think of is if I sleep in her dormitory. The only problem is, is that if I try to go in there, I will be sliding down a slide. Hermione is the only person who I know who may know how to let me in there, hopefully.

Bad news is, I don't know where Hermione is. She's not in the Common Room which is where I am now. I guess it's a good thing I still have my Marauder's Map. I quickly run up to my dormitory and into my chest at the bottom of my four poster bed. As I look at the map I notice that Hermione is in the girls' dormitory. Of course. But what's strange is that Ron's in there too. I guess there is a way for boys to go in there. But if Ron and Hermione are in there then where's Ginny? Oh I see her. She's on the Grand Staircase. I guess heading to bed. But where has she been the past hour? We left the library like an hour ago. As I head downstairs to the Common Room to meet her, I think about what will happen.

Before I could finish that thought I see her. My gorgeous girlfriend. I motion for her to follow me upstairs and into my dormitory. Not once did she object.

"I guess I'm staying in here. But won't Ron notice?" She says sounding confused.

"Not a chance. He's in the girls' dormitory." I say sitting on my bed. Gesturing for her to do the same. She doesn't at first but eventually she does. She might be scared about tomorrow, I know I am.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" She asks resting her head on my shoulder.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I replied lightly. I feel her smile against my shoulder.

"Well I might be able help with you being nervous." She says.

"You do?" I ask

"If you get first place, I'll give you something special." She says flirtatiously.

"You will? What's this 'something special' you speak of?"

"I guess you're going to have to find out."

Ugh, you're going to be the death of me. So what were you doing before you come here?" After I say this, she lefts her head from my shoulder.

"Oh, I was talking to Sara Johnson. Do you remember her?"

"Yeah of course. Talk about anything worth mentioning?"

"Just about her new boyfriend. They shared their first kiss two days ago. She was just telling me about it. I actually really like her, we have a lot in common."

"Oh remember our first kiss?" I say as I turn towards her. "How could I forget? I was waiting six years for you to do it."

"Maybe but wan't it better for us to wait?"

"Well yeah but six years. I'm just glad you finally did it." She leans into my lips. But I don't want tonight to be a kiss fest so I lean back.

"So, do you why I've brought you here?" I say intertwining my fingers in her's.

"No idea." She says simply.

"I don't believe I ever told you this, but ever since last year I've had nightmares everyday since last year when Hermione, Ron and I went on that trip. The only time I don't have nightmares is when I'm with you." I say anxiously waiting for a response.

"So you don't want to have a nightmare before your challenge tomorrow?"

"This is true. So what do you think?"

"Think about what?" She asks even though she knows what I'm talking about.

"What do you think about you staying with me? In here. All night."

"Well. I think. I'd love to." She says dramatically. Her smile radiates the whole room echoing mine.

I still can't believe I'm dating Ginevra Molly Weasley, the most gorgeous girl I've ever met. She beats every celebrity, every supermodel. Every person to ever walk this Earth doesn't even come close to Ginny.

"So Ron's in my dormitory?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well my pajamas are in there. So what am I suppose to wear?"

"Nothing?" I say jokingly. She playfully hits my arm.


"Kidding of course. You can borrow some of my clothes, they're in my dresser over there."

She heads over towards my dresser and picks out my favorite pair of sweatpants and sweatshirt. As she walks back over to the bed, I wonder why she didn't go into the bathroom to change, then she starts to take off her shirt. As soon as I realize what's happening, I shield my eyes like the gentleman I am.

"Why are you covering your eyes? We've been dating for over a year and you've seen me naked before."

"Just being a gentleman, but if you insist." I uncover my eyes to see Ginny standing before me in only her bra and underwear. Her curves are perfect. There's nothing imperfect about her.

"You know it's pretty hot in here. Maybe too hot for sweatpants and a sweatshirt."

"Where are you going with this?"

"I might just want to sleep in this." She says biting her bottom lip.

"Where have you been all my life."

She walks over towards me, lays her hand on my heart and says "right here." This makes me love her even more.

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