Chapter 16

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~Ron's POV~

I lay in bed. Rays of sun shine streak my face. Turning my head to see my wristwatch staring back at me reading 6:01. I have around an hour and a half until I have to get ready for breakfast. Today's the day that we are going to Goblet of Fire. If I was picked one I'd use a good chunk of it buy a promise ring Hermione. I went looking at them last Hogsmeade visit with Harry. There this one that look like a rose, it even has some leaves, and where the flower part of the rose is, there is the most beautiful diamond I've ever seen. But without the award money I won't be able to get it, and Hermione deserves the best. I always wish I was rich like Harry. I wouldn't ever have to worry about it I have enough money. But anyways I decide to get up and head downstairs to the Common Room, I obviously won't be able to go back to sleep. I was about to head down the staircase when I smelled something like garbage. It was my breath. Heading to the bathroom, I notice an empty four post bed. I look around, looking for the owner. But I saw no one.
After the bathroom I headed downstairs. I was almost at the opening when I heard talking. It was Harry's and Ginny's voices. I really didn't want hear what they're saying. So I head back upstairs and finished my potions paper.

~Harry's POV~

I'm fighting Voldemort. I've waited sixteen years for this moment. All the Horcruxes are gone, it's just Voldemort and me. He's the only thing that will come between me and a life where I don't have to look over my shoulder for darkness. In the corner of my eye I see flaming red hair shooting out spells left and right. Then I hear "Crucio!" Followed by green sparks shooting toward Ginny. The screaming is heart shattering. She falls over in agony. Tears streaming down her face. I wanted to run to her, I wanted to defend her but I had to defeat the monster who started all of this when he killed my parents sixteen years ago. My adrenaline was like Red Bull. Nothing would stand in my way. I shot every spell that I could think of. "Expelliamus!" I yell at Voldemort. His wand or shall I say Dumbledore's wand flies out of his hand. At this moment I could tell it was over. The Second Wizarding War is over once I kill the beast that stands before me. When i shot 'Expelliamus' he shot 'Avada Kedavra' and actually killed himself because he spell rebounded. Just when when I thought everything was done, I hear "Avada Kedavra". I turn to see who said it. It was Lucius Malfoy who sent the killing curse on none other than Ginny. Once I saw her face looking back at me, I woke up.
It's okay. It was just a dream. I head downstairs to remedy and clear my head. It works to some extent I still can't get the picture of Ginny's dying face out of my head. I start to cry but quickly stop when I see the very girl I wanted to see. She's alive, that's all j needed to know. I just stand there staring at her and wondering what a world without Ginerva Molly Weasley would be like. "Harry, what are you doing?" She says sitting up on the couch, looking over the back. "Just looking at the love of my life." I say smiling. She blushes. "I love it when your cheesy. Get over here." She says moving her books to make room on the couch. Once I sit down she lays her head on my lap. We stay like this for a while in silence. "Harry" she says looking up at me while I run my fingers through her hair. "Yes, Ginerva?" I say. "Why do you always call me Ginerva?" She says still staring at me. "I don't really know why. I guess because I'm the only person who calls you that." I say smiling. "So you'll always call me Ginerva?" She asks. "Of course. Why? Do you not like being called Ginerva?" I say worried. "No, I hate being called Ginerva. Except when it's said by you." She says smiling. "So what were you working on?" I say after a while. "Oh nothing, just studying." "For? Maybe I can help." I say looking at the books she had out before I came down. "Your class, actually. It hard since I didn't really learn anything last year." She says sitting up. "Maybe I can help. To make it more understandable." I say. She gets all the books and we study.

Later that day

Ginny, Hermione, Ron, and I head downstairs to the trophy room to submit out names into the Goblet of Fire. When we get there, there were many other students submitting their names. Scott was even there, with Allison, which was weird since they were aways together. Ron and I write our names on a piece of paper. Ginny starts writing too. "Um, what are you doing? Your not entering." Ron says rather harshly. "Well last I checked, you weren't my mom. Also don't you remember what Harry said the first day? 'Also I might not even get picked.'" She says just as harsh. "Fine, but if you get picked, Try to win." "Will do, Ronald." She says sarcastically. After we finish writing our names and submit them I say. "Hey I have a great idea. We should all play 'Never Have I Ever' and 'Truth or Dare'. We can invite some friends too." Ron and Ginny look at me like I was going an extra eye. "You guys do know what 'Never Have I Ever' and 'Truth or Dare' right?" They both shake their heads. "They didn't grow up with Muggles playing those games." Hermione says. "I'll explain tonight. We can invite Scott and I think their names are Stiles and Lydia from America." I say smiling. "Yeah, that sounds really fun. But where would we go? Stiles and Lydia can't come into our dormitories." Ginny says. "We can have it in my classroom." I say. They all nod. We ask Scott if he'd join us. He agrees and says he won't bring Allison since Ginny and I don't have good history. We then ask Stiles and Lydia if they wanted to join. They said yes immediately. Their exact words were "YASSS, bro, those are the games." These Americans are so weird.

Getting ready for party

Ginny and I track down every Butterbeer we could find. Al eleven we all make our way to my classroom and make sure everything is perfect. We start playing 'Never Have I Ever' after I of course explain it. Hermione starts with "Never have I ever, Snogged someone in the rain." Only Scott, Stiles, and Lydia drink. I really think Stiles and Lydia because when Hermione said this they looked at each other. Now it's Ginny's turn. "Never have I ever, Been on a movie date." Everyone drinks except me and of course Ginny. It goes on like thins for a while. Things were going great and no awkward silences until Scott went. "Never have I ever, told anyone I'm gay." Wow plot twist. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with him being gay, it was just unexpected. I've never actually met a gay person unless you count Michael Gambon, but no one really does. After a long awkward silence we started playing 'Truth or Dare'. Lydia started by asking Hermione "Truth or Dare?" "Truth." Hermione replies. "Is it true your the smartest in your year?" Lydia asks. Hermione smiles, "Yeah, you could say that." We were playing clean 'Truth or Dare' until it got a little dirtier when Scott asked Ginny. "Truth or Dare?" "Truth." Ginny says back. We've mostly just been doing Truths. "Name one celebrity you would make out with?" Scott asks. "What do you mean by celebrity?" Ginny asks. "Just anyone who's famous." Scott replies. She turns toward me and "makes out" with me. "What? He's a celebrity." She says smiling. Ron looks down in disgust. After about an hour we say our goodbyes and head to the dormitories.

It actually took me a while to write this. Please comment your ideas. Also like, comment, and vote. And thanks for 2.32k😱

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