Chapter 14

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~Ron's POV~

Today's October 17th. The people from Culver Creek, America are coming after dinner.

After Dinner

God I wish dinner would just end, but then again I wish it would never end. Like I want to see the Culver Creek students but they're serving food like corn dogs, pulled pork, and this delicious spongy thing called a Twinkie. It's so fattening but it's so good. "Remember when we had these weird French and Bulgarian foods?" Harry says before grabbing his second Twinkie. "Yeah. It's was good but this is way better." I say smiling.
Finally the good vanishes and Professor McGonagall stands up to the podium. "I now present the students from Culver Creek, United States of America." She says America a little louder than the rest of the words. She gestures toward the Great Hall doors. Doors open road to says America. We all turn our heads to see about a hundred 17-year-olds, both men and women, walking down the middle of the Great Hall. They don't do anything fantastic the last Goblet of Fire. The man all have very baggy pants on and they all show some underwear. "Why can't they just wear a belt?" Hermione says with a disgusted look on her face. "At least they make it up with their hair." Ginny says smiling. I look over at Harry who looks at me and shrugs.
Now the girls walk across the aisle. They are something from out of this world. They're drop dead gorgeous. I accidentally let out "Bloody Hell." I immediately regretted it. I look over at Harry and Ginny who are sitting across from Hermione and I. Harry has a face that says 'what-have-you-just-done' and Ginny has a face that says 'OMG-you're-in-trouble-now'. Now I look at Hermione and see that's she's shaking and her back is away from us, talking to Dean, Seamus, and Neville. "Hermione" I say in a whisper as I lean towards her. She doesn't turn around let alone flinch. She just raises her hand as saying 'talk to the hand' now I know I'm in trouble. But I guess I can work this out once we leave the Great Hall. I turn back towards the front to see Professor McGonagall greeting the "Principle" as they say it, who's name is "The Eagle. That's what everyone calls me." He announces.
Just as last time the Headmistress introduces the Goblet of Fire and goes over all the rules.
"I realize it last time, the age limit was 17 but then a 14-year-old one that tournament. So I'm going to go in the middle, the limit is now 16." There was a burst of shouts and groans. "The Goblet of Fire will be in the Trophy Room for a month. If you choose to enter, write your name on a piece of paper, please write it dark. I believe that's all of our announcements for today. You may go back to your dormitories." She dismisses us and I look over to where Hermione was sitting to see an empty spot. I look around to see bushy brown hair running to get out of the Great Hall.
"Hey Harry, what's that spell that you used to talk to me telepathically?" I say hoping I can fix things with Hermione before the night ends. "Mindificus. All you do is say the spell and think only of whoever your trying to reach." He says right before going off with Ginny.
"Mindificus" I say as I think of only Hermione. 'Hermione, please, I'm sorry. Meat me in the Room of Requirement in one hour.' I think to myself, hoping she will forgive me. I head to the Room of Requirement early so I can set everything up.
Once I get to the wall that leads to the Room of Requirement, I think 'I need a place where Hermione and I can be alone.' The door opens immediately. Since the room changes to whatever the person wants, it turned into a room of comfort in every square foot of it. There's bean bag chairs, pillows, blankets, everything that's comfortable is here. There's even a flat screen TV with movies that range from 'The Vow' to 'The Amazing Spider-Man. They even provided delicious popcorn. They have really provided everything.
There's five more minutes 'till Hermione is suppose to be here. So I make sure everything is perfect. Finally I hear the door being created. I run over to the door and hide behind a chair to surprise her. She walks through looking around, but then gives up and walks toward the TV. I sneak up and lift her up bridal style and take her to the couch in front of the TV. When she laughs I know I'm forgiven. "I'm so sorry, Hermione for what I did." I say sitting her down on my lap. "I forgive you, I can't stay mad at you, babe." When she says that I hug her tight and say "I love you so much." She smiles as she says "I love you too. So what movie should we watch?" I look down at the many movies. "Well we can watch Divergent, The Amazing Spider-Man, or the Vow." I say pulling out those three movies. "I've been dying to see 'The Amazing Spider-Man. Let's watch that." I get up and put it in. I sit down and Hermione rests her head on my lap. I press play and rub my hand up and down her side.

Sorry I haven't written I a long time. Please comment so I can know if this is any good. Also I'm open to any ideas you may have. 😱

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