Y/N's Relaxing Summer

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Hermione woke and stretched as sunlight filled the tent. She yawned, noticing Y/N wasn't next to her. She turned and smiled seeing him sitting on the edge of the bed but instantly noticed the nail marks she had left down his back.

"Oh baby good morning. Sorry if that hurt, on your back. I was just... you know..."

Hermione blushed at the memory as she stood and wrapped herself in her silk dressing gown. She smiled at its feel- Y/N spoilt her so much.

"Baby?" She asked, walking round the bed as he still had not answered her.

"Baby!" She said louder upon reaching him. He was staring ahead, miles away. She gently placed a hand on his shoulder.


"Mmhmm? Oh good morning love. How did you sleep?" Y/N asked with a tired smile.

"With you wrapped around me, fantastic love. Are you ok? You were miles away."

Y/N smiled sadly.

"Yeah sorry baby. I was just thinking"

Hermione sat next to her lover and gently stroked his hair, asking:

"About what darling?"

"Anna. Ash. Pam. Ruby. Leander. Stavros. Proteus. Nicholoas, Orion, Agis and a hundred more."

"All people you lost?"

Y/N nodded, sighing.

"Oh baby come here" Hermione sighed, kissing Y/N's cheek as she hugged him tight.

They dressed not long after, Hermione doing up her laces as Y/N walked out the tent topless, with a frothy toothbrush in his mouth.

"You're not going out like that are you?" She asked panicked slightly.

"Mmmhsm mhdn mfjsj!" Y/N replied, furrowing his eyebrows.

Just to brush my teeth. If I have my shirt on I'll get it on there. You know I'm a giant toddler.

Hermione giggled and nodded.

Y/N walked out brushing as Arthur cooked breakfast, Lavender and Ginny sitting with him.

"Looking bigger and more ripped than ever hotstuff!" Lavender giggled, calling out to her friend.

"Fdhjk ahhff" came the muffled reply as he brushed, causing her to chuckle again.

"What's that on your chest N/N?" Ginny asked, referring to his Phoenix mark. The bird wings flapped slowly on his pectoral.

"Aaaoo" He garbled as he passed them to spit out his toothpaste.

He made it to the boundary, spat and washed his mouth out with bottled water.

"What are those scratches on your back Y/N?" Ginny asked innocently.

Y/N spat out the water and turned. Arthur's eyes had widened. Lavender shoved her fist in her mouth, trying not to laugh.

"Huh?" Y/N asked with a gulp.

"Your back. You have all these big scratch lines down it. On your shoulder blades" Ginny explained.

"Must be from the whipping in second year" Y/N shot back quickly, hoping Ginny would buy it.

"No" Ginny replied, standing. She walked towards and behind Y/N.

"You have three lines running across from that" She said as she ran a finger along one of the faded scars.

"But these are fresh. They look almost like they were from... hands..."

Y/N looked at Arthur and Lavender with a face that screamed help! Arthur looked at him wide eyed and fearful. Lavender had bitten down twice as hard trying not to laugh loudly.

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