Hetalia/Countryhumans; Arthur/England/Britain Has Secret Family Too??? WHAT??

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If your a Hetalian, you probably know about the idea where Alfred's states are personified. Hell, if you're a Countryhumans person you know the idea of America's states being personified. 

But what about England? So, I had the idea about what if England has his own other personification family he's been hiding. I mean, the parts of the U.K all have their own amount of power, sort of like the U.S states.

 England was the original country and then came Ireland, Scotland and Wales and then they all became the U.K. Unless I'm fucking up my history, which I might be.

But still, what if England were hiding them in his house. I realize that Ireland, Scotland and Wales already have their personifications--at least I think so?--but, it's an AU. Throw canon in the trash, it's not needed here! 

*cough* ANYWAYS. What if Alfred knows that Arthur has been hiding them (since maybe he grew up with at least one of them or something idk) and Arthur has a vague idea that America's states exist. So when Alfred is exposed, he decides he's gonna drag Arthur down with him and expose his hidden family too. Wouldn't that be a twist...

But, uh, yeah. Those are the only two I can think of right now that have states/state-like things. Besides other countries owning territories ofc. Let me know if there's any others you can think of. 

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