Ch. 63

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Cali's POV

" Look at him Key. He's crying. He don't want us to leave. Can't we just take him with us?" I pouted as I watched the interaction that was taking place.

Trigger was laying his head on AK's car seat as AK was rubbing his head.

" No, he'll be fine. You'll see him when we get back." Key said as he tried to grab Trigger, but AK pushed his hand away.

" Moo! Dada, moo!" AK frowned.

" See, he don't even want him to stay." I said causing Key to look at me like shutup.

" Boy let the damn dog go." Key said causing AK to shake his head.

" No!" A'Kyrie said as he held Trigger tighter.

" Cali, getcho son mane. This lil nigga gone have us late. Matter fact, if he don't let him go his ass finna be staying too." Key said.

" Papa let go of Trigger so we can go. You wanna get on the air plane again right?" I asked causing him to nod his head.

" So, give Trigger to daddy." I said causing him to huff.

He hugged, and kissed Trigger on his head before he let him go.

" We'll be back, ok Trigger? Mommy loves you stinka butt." I said as I blew kisses at him.

" That's a damn shame." Key said shaking his head as he closed the door.

He walked to up to Meika's door, and before he could even knock she already had the door open. She waved at us as she took Trigger from Key. I rolled down me and AK's window, so we could speak.

I turned around looking at him in the backseat, " Look papa wave to GG."

A'Kyrie leaned up as far as he could since he was buckled in. He looked at Meika standing on the porch, and smiled showing off his dimple as he waved at her.

" Hey GG baby. I love you." Meika said as she waved back.

A'Kyrie started talking gibberish, and she just stood there talking back as if she really knew what he was talking about.

" Y'all, gone have to finish y'all conversation later. Cause we gone be late. Ight ma." Key as he said hugged her bye.

" Alright son, Make sure y'all let me know when y'all land. Be safe, I love y'all." Meika said.

" We will. We love you too." Me and Key said in unison as he got back in the truck.

Key backed out of the driveway as he started towards the private airport. As Key drove to the airport I was scrolling on Instagram, and seen the pictures he took of AK before we left his Airbnb.

 As Key drove to the airport I was scrolling on Instagram, and seen the pictures he took of AK before we left his Airbnb

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