Authors Note~

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Haii guys! Long time no see! (Not really 😋) I'm happy that I'm updating more frequently and I'm pretty sure you are too. I know this past chapter was super short, I feel your pain. I've been really busy lately and tons of my friends want updates! Not mentioning any names... :clears throat:
FrenchBows _Nicki_Steves_ _NickiSteves_ that_writer_girrll
So here it is! I know you guys want one super long chapter but I can't just write one of those into my story! I like to do kind of short parts and then update every 2 or 3 days. That's just how it's gonna be! In my first book I did a super long chapter and tons of you loved it. I only did that because I could fit a lot of drama into one chapter. A super long one right now would be SUPER boring. Omg I'm trying to write an authors note and there's loud children outside my window, brb.

Okay, anger diminished.... Anyway...
So yeah, that's all for now! But first:
Lemee take a selfie📷 jk😂

"Still leaning towards Danny or are you thinking he's a jerk?"

"Is Ryan's player title disappearing?"

"Which ship: Ryzo~Danzo?"
(I'm bad with ships😂👌)
But that's all for now until this gets longer than my chapter ;) See you all in chapter 12💕 Much love ✌️👋

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