Chapter 21

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Cole kept holding Vanessa's wrists with one hand while sliding his other slowly down her arm, passing over her face, caressing her gently, and then placing it on her throat. "What happened to this big mouth of yours, Vanessa? Won't you say anything witty?" he whispered.

Vanessa opened her eyes and looked at his. "I don't play games, Cole. At least, not this kind. But I master many others..."

Cole cupped her face and ran his thumb over her lips, opening her mouth slightly, licking his lips with his tongue simultaneously, then running his teeth along his lower one lightly.

"What happened with your big mouth, Cole," Vanessa echoed his question. "Won't you say anything?"

At that moment, body vibrations spoke instead of words. Cole's hand lightly gripped Vanessa's throat—not roughly, but in that passionate, arousing way. His lips met hers. His playful tongue dipped into her mouth, sending chills over her body.

His kiss was intense. Primary. It overwhelmed her senses. It was as if no one had ever kissed her before. It was as if no one had touched her before.

Suddenly, a ringing from Cole's pocket interrupted the pleasant sounds of running water.

No one paid attention. But the phone kept making an annoying sound.

"Seriously? This thing still works?" Vanessa asked as if to herself, not completely breaking the contact of their lips.

"I don't care," Cole whispered.

But the ringing continued.

Cole took the phone out of his pocket and put it to his ear. "It better be important, Mike," he growled angrily. After a few seconds of silence, he replied, "I'm coming."

After hanging up, he looked at Vanessa, staring in confusion. But without saying anything, he just left the bathroom.

Vanessa remained under the running water alone. Despite this passionate moment between them being interrupted, she was starting to get angry with herself. How had she let this happen in the first place? What was going on with her? Having sex with someone was one thing, but what was happening between her and Cole was different. To think about him constantly... To let him make her feel this way... In this inexplicable way, even with just one kiss... What did that mean?


Meanwhile, downstairs, Jackson and Rebecca, who were still there, were in Mike's company. All three stared in amazement as they saw Cole coming down the stairs while water dripped from him.

"Damn, Cole! Why are you all wet?" Rebecca asked him, unable to hold back her laughter.

Cole didn't answer her but turned directly to Mike. "Come with me, Mike."

The two entered the office.

"What happened?"

"There was a fight outside the club. Owen is in hospital."

Owen was one of the people who worked at the security company. Although Cole did not interfere in the management there, several boys, including Owen, were among his most trusted people. But more importantly, Owen was Mike's stepbrother. Their parents had married while the boys were still young, and like most children in a similar situation, they weren't happy about that fact at first. , But over the years, they had grown closer and felt like blood brothers. And Mike's relatives, Cole considered like his relatives too.

"Is he okay?"

"Yeah. A few broken ribs, but he'll be fine." Mike walked over to Cole as he spoke, pulling his phone out of his pocket. "But there's something more. I checked the camera footage. Look." He played the video and started talking in between. "Everyone can be seen leaving the club. They look cheerful. They are saying goodbye to each other, Clive and the others leave together, and Owen and Jessica leave in the opposite direction alone. They cross the street but stop and talk to each other for a while. Then these guys come and directly attack Owen. Look at this." Mike paused the video and zoomed in on the screen. "I've never seen these two before, but the third one. Doesn't he look familiar to you?"

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