Chapter 30

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"What's going on? Where am I?" Vanessa began to look around.

At first, she could not realize what had happened. She tried to get out of bed, but the pain in her body pushed her back.

At that moment, Jackson entered the hospital room. "Nessa, Nessa, take it easy." He approached her.

"Jacks, what's going on?"

"You had an accident. You have probably lost control. The car went off the road and hit a tree. You scared us so much."

Vanessa closed her eyes and gradually began to remember.

"God! It was so stupid of me."

"Don't blame yourself."

"Hello." A doctor and nurse entered the room.

Vanessa and Jackson turned to them.

"How are you feeling, Miss Blake?"

"Other than my body hurting, I feel fine," Vanessa replied to the doctor.

"The blood test results look good. The scanner didn't pick up anything, either. You only have a mild concussion."

"How long have I been unconscious?"

"Couple of hours. But don't worry, this is normal."

"Okay. So, I can go, right?" Vanessa tried to get out of bed again. Her actions were not so abrupt this time, and she managed to sit on the bed.

"Not yet. You must remain under observation."

While Vanessa was talking to the doctor, the nurse injected a dose of pain medication into the system. "Get some rest, Miss. Don't rush. We'll check on you again later."

The doctor and the nurse left the room, and Jackson approached Vanessa's bed. He put one hand under her neck and helped her lie down with his other hand.

"What's the damage to the car, Jacks?" she asked as she adjusted her head on the pillow.

"Don't think about the car now, Nessa. It's fine. We'll fix it. Please rest." He moved a chair next to the bed and sat down. "I will stay with you."

"No need, Jacks."

Jackson looked at her without saying anything. For a split second, his eyes expression looked just like his brother's.

"Willker's look... I guess you'll stay anyway."

"Of course, Nessa! You're part of our family!"

Those words shook Vanessa. They were so strong, although Jackson said them with such ease.

 She felt very uncomfortable.

"Now rest and sleep," Jackson continued. "You need it."

Vanessa didn't need much persuasion, her tiredness was overwhelming, and it wasn't long before she fell asleep.


Beyond the room door, Cole talked to the doctor in the corridor.

"I assure you everything is fine, Mr. Willker. We are taking care of her as promised. I have assigned a nurse to take care of Miss Blake only. Don't worry."

"Okay. Thanks. Call me immediately if anything changes."

"Of course."

The doctor returned to his office, and Cole got a coffee and went to his car, parked in the hospital parking lot.

He spent the whole day there. And all night.


The following day, after Vanessa woke up, she felt much better. Although her body still ached from the bruises, it had responded very well to the nearly twenty hours of sleep.

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