Chapter 35

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Later that night / At Cole's birthday party

The vast hall was already full of people. The dance floor spanned almost the entire space. At the bottom stood the DJ, in front of whose desk there were several speakers.

High cocktail tables covered with long, dark gray tablecloths held back with black ribbons were arranged along the periphery of the hall. Exotic hors d'oeuvres and bottles of expensive liquor were stacked on top.

On either side, next to the entrance, stairs led to a terrace on the second floor.

Colorful, moving to the beat of the music, lights from the ceiling flashed in the darkness.

Rebecca danced with Alice, although her mood was not completely the best. She was still affected by her conversation with Vanessa.

Mike and Jackson were standing before them, talking to each other.

Cole was leaning against one of the tables by the stairs, smoking. He wore black jeans and a white sports shirt with rolled-up sleeves.

In front of him, Andrea danced seductively, occasionally turning her back and discreetly rubbing her body against his.

"Andrea, leave me alone. Go push yourself on someone else." Cole told her in a commanding tone, exhaling the smoke.

"I'm not leaving you alone on your birthday, baby. Nor I ever will."

Cole narrowed his eyes in boredom, and just as Andrea was dancing with her back to him again, he walked away.

He stepped up onto the terrace and leaned his hands on the railing. His gaze wandered through the crowd.

Rebecca noticed him and followed him. "Are you okay, Cole?" she asked worriedly, leaning against the railing next to him.

"Of course."

"Cole, she won't come."


"What is going on between you two? Please, Cole, tell me! I can help."

"Who are you talking about, Becca?"

"You know who I am talking about! This morning, she told me that she wouldn't come. And exactly like you, she refused to tell me what was happening. We even had an argument."

"Listen, Becca. There is nothing between Vanessa and me. And since she doesn't work for me anymore, we don't even have a working relationship. She is your friend."

"I don't believe that! Damn it, Cole, I'm your sister! You can tell me! I wanna help you."

Cole lit another cigarette, inhaled deeply, and exhaled after that. "Don't ruin your mood, Becca. Go to your fiance and have fun. Don't worry about me. I'm fine."

Rebecca stood up, turned fully to face Cole, and rested one hand on the railing again. "No, you are not. I know it. You know it. Everyone knows it. Unfortunately, I can't do anything until you tell me what's going on. But I'll be there. You know that, right? I will always be there for you."

"I know. Now go."


Meanwhile, at the Willker house, Vanessa was pacing in her room—something she had been doing non-stop for the past few hours. Rebecca's words echoed over and over in her head.

Was she making a mistake not going to the party? Did she risk the whole family hating her?

She couldn't afford that. But the truth was, she was afraid. She was getting better and better at running away instead of facing the challenges. She already knew that no matter how much she fought, she couldn't control herself when being around Cole. Emotions were overwhelming her. They were leading her where she shouldn't have gone.

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