Chapter 24

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7:30 a.m.

After only an hour of sleep, Vanessa opened her eyes. Just another new day, probably for most people. Not for her.

But she had to get her shit together, as Karevsky put it. He was right—she couldn't let her emotions rule her and control her.

So, dressing. Going out. Work.


"Nessa!" Rebecca shouted as opened the door to Vanessa's office. "You have to help me!"

It had only been ten minutes since the start of the working day. Vanessa was still finishing her first coffee, which she had hastily made at the house and taken on the go, and was trying to collect her thoughts to start working.

"With what, Becks?" she asked Rebecca, realizing that even if she needed to be alone, that was not possible.

"I don't know what to do!" Rebecca replied.

"With what?" Vanessa asked again.

"With Mike, of course," Rebecca said, sitting on top of the desk meanwhile. "Should I go talk to him? What if he acts like nothing happened? Or like we're together? Or like it was just sex?"

Vanessa leaned back in her chair. "Calm down, Becks. Breathe. What do you want it to be?"

"I don't know. It all happened so fast. And unexpected. I'm afraid of getting hurt again."

"Then talk to him. Look, I'm the last person who can give you love advice. But you're both adults. You've known each other since you were kids. You both have feelings for each other—that's clear. So, you owe each other a clear relationship, no matter what kind it will be."

Rebecca sighed. "You're right. Thank you, Nessa. What would I do without you? Oh, I almost forgot." She abruptly changed the subject. "Mom is coming home tonight. We're having a family dinner. I hope you don't have plans and will join us."

Vanessa propped her elbows on the desk and rubbed her face with her palms.

"Are you okay, Nessa?" Rebecca asked her worriedly.

"Yeah. I'm okay. I just didn't sleep well last night." Vanessa took the last sip of coffee and got up from her chair. "Come on, let's get more coffee."

The two walked out and headed for the elevator. At that moment, Mike came out from there.

"Oh, hi, girls. See you later," he muttered without even stopping by their side and continued walking to his office.

"Hmm," Vanessa exclaimed as she and Rebecca stopped in front of the elevator doors. "He didn't act in any of the ways you assumed. He just ran away. You didn't predict that, huh, Becks?"

Rebecca said nothing. Her eyes watered.

"Becks, come on. Nothing happened."

"Sorry, Nessa, I can't. I'll be in my office."

Rebecca slammed the door behind her, and Vanessa stayed on the other side. She hesitated for a moment but then just rolled her eyes. "Damn you, Mike," she said loudly and walked towards his office.


Meanwhile, Mike was already there, and Cole was waiting for him inside.

"Any news from the boys?"

"Yes. Clive called. He's gonna send you the address of one of Owen's attackers in a while."


"What are you going to do, Cole?"

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