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E P I S O D E  1 8 [√]p a g e  e i g h t e e n  :  H A P P Y  P I L L S

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E P I S O D E  1 8 [√]
p a g e  e i g h t e e n  :  H A P P Y  P I L L S

the bus made its stop at a gasoline station. most of the teens rushed out to go to either the convenience store or the small cheese burger restaurant next to each other while some stayed inside the bus.

takemichi, unfortunately being one of the most-teens due to his teammates (particularly murayama) dragging him out of the bus, simply found himself in front of the commercial refrigerators — specifically in front of the energy drinks — at the back of the store.

he plans in his head that he'll buy one energy drink, one bottled water, and food to snack on for the rest of the trip.

takemichi's brows tugged together slightly, lips forming a pout unconsciously as he stared at the fridge of water bottles. even he himself can't believe that he's having a hard time choosing which bottle of water he should take.

just because of their designs. he swear this is one of the few things why he sometimes takes long inside a convenience store. choosing a bottled water according to their bottle designs.

takemichi sighs, one hand reaching for the handle when a voice came and nearly startled him to death, "can't believe you're having a problem with this."

the blond whipped his head towards the person. up until now, he still can't get use to baji's deep and full-toned voice. "if you're not gonna get anything from there then quit blocking the way." baji grunts and squints down at him, purposely moving and whipping his shoulder to bump the shorter boy.

takemichi almost dropped the energy drink, which he thankfully caught before it hit the ground. he looked up to baji, flinching when he found the boy side-eye glaring at him.

it didn't take any longer than 1 second before the blond rush to his teammate's side. momoroi was caught off guard at the light yet sudden bump hitting his shoulder, looking at who the person is, and found takemichi cowering next to him while looking back at where he came from. "are you okay?"

takemichi looked up to the boy, a nervous smile appearing on his face. "y-yeah. i was just looking for fujio-san." he lied through his teeth, slowly passing by momoroi and left to look for the team captain for real this time.

the convenience store was pretty big, almost challenging the size of a hypermarket so it took him a while to find out that some of their teammates were at the mini restaurant next to the place.

done paying for the items, he approach the auto door. only to get pulled back by the back of his hood of his hoodie. "i've been looking for you everywhere!" murayama says loudly. takemichi turned to him, seeing the boy worried and another expression he can not entirely describe.

"kotaro! i've been looking for you too." takemichi utters surprisedly, not exactly lying as he was looking for upperclassman fujio and their other teammates.

" fujio's next door. we'll go there after i pay." the teen proceeded to pull him towards the counter. their school's basketball team are there too, not lining up individually but as a group like the cool kids they are. and murayama still can't pay for his food without having someone he knows by his side.

not that takemichi minds. being with murayama somehow lessened the uneasiness sitting on his stomach especially with them around.

as he stood there and waited, a threatening feeling shoots him.

a feeling he got when they were still at school.

that feeling when someone wants to drill nails and bore holes into every part of your body with their eyes with how intense and piercing they stare you.

takemichi gulps, trying to ease down his heart that swelled and throbbed and to fill up the sudden uncomfortable emptiness in his stomach.

murayama eventually sensed the teen that grew stiff under his arm. "michy?" the senior mumbles the nickname he got for the blond, his arm that was wrap around the boy growing tight. "is there something wrong?"

"i don't know..." takemichi says apprehensively, side-eying somewhere past murayama who he used as the wall that separates him from the source of the pressuring eyes. "i feel like someone's looking at me.. staring at me.." the blond was looking pointedly at somewhere to murayama's left side, opposite of where he stood next to the latter.

murayama alertedly snapped his eyes towards the other side. confusion filling his head as he found no one looking at their direction, specifically at takemichi. but he didn't need to mention that. it'll only make the boy more uncomfortable than he already is.

murayama tugged the blond closer, securing him in his arm. "whoever that is won't come close to you as long as i'm with you." he smiled toothily down to the blond.

the discomfiting subdues from taking in murayama's assurance and act of protection. takemichi smiles back, feeling blithe once again. "thank you." he responded sincerely.

after a few more minutes, they finally reached the counter and paid before they left the mini store. murayama pushed the glass door and lead himself and takemichi to where fujio stood. the said senior noticed them and beckoned them over.

soon, they found themselves inside the bus. suspiciously, takemichi didn't — even catch a glimpse — the haitani siblings and haruchiyo when he was still outside. he even thought that they might be in the mini restaurant but didn't find any of them there nor in the mini store.

takemichi slid out his phone from his hoodie and was greeted by three messages as soon as the screen lit up.

[message from haitani ran]

[message from akashi haruchiyo]

[message from +81 3 4208 0802]

takemichi wondered who the last one was. so he opened each message.

haitani ran
+81 3 8904 6735

[my love 😭]
[i'm gone 😭]
[i mean, i'm no longer riding your school bus. team captain picked us up.]
[so take care of yourself.]
[cherish our memories.]
[i will always love yoy.]

akashi haruchiyo
+81 3 3558 7601

[coach picked us up.]
[come to me when you arrive.]
[for PAINKILLERS. i have painkillers.]
[just ask me for one if you're feeling sick.]

+81 3 4208 0802

[san ka punta⁉️to the moon🌑 roadtrip 🚐broom 🧹broom 🧹skrrr skrr 🛹 zoom zoom 🏎 💨 sa fake no room 🙅🏼 mga mata 👁👄👁namumula 🔴👄🔴 asan ang trees 🌳⁉️ nadala mo ba ⁉️]
[hi hababy. this is haitani rindou. sadly, my chopper 🚁 driver picked me up and no longer riding your luxurious school bus.]
[ but i'm so glad i got the chance to meet you.]
[ but this is not the end.]
[ we will meet again.]
[ till dead do us part.]
[ death*]

takemichi blinked owlishly. izana picked them up?

ᵗᵒ ᵇᵉ ᶜᵒⁿᵗⁱⁿᵘᵉᵈ

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