• LeTs PlAy A gAmE •

999 29 36

June 5th, 2018

// YOUR POV //

A vibrating object awoke me from my slumber, mostly known as my phone.

"What the hell?" I muttered, sitting up, letting my phone get lost in the sheets of my blankets. "When Did I fall asleep?" I questioned, squinting my eyes.

The window on my far wall was pitch black, meaning it was already night time.

I lazily searched through the sheets of my bed and grabbed my phone. Logging on, I could see I got a new message from an unkownID.

Unknown Number: you have met with a terrible fate havn't you?

You: yea screwing your mom now I have 5 different diseases

Unknown Number: You think your funny y/n, Did you see my friend stop by today?

You: Yea bec I am funny but you 🤏🍆. Hey ion even knew you had friends.

I let out a small giggle, Always was funny messing around with hackers and random ass scammers.

Unknown Number: I should proly put my name on your phone for you, shouldn't I?

You: what do you want. Huh?

BEN DROWNED: there that's better. Do you want to play a game y/n?

You: oh are you a hacker or sum shi? Um sure?

BEN DROWNED: Nvm I have to go sweet heart, I'm making something for all of my friends and you :0

You: okay uwu kitten

I wrinkled my nose at the nickname, but sleep itched at the back of my mind making me toss my phone off to the edge of my bed where I wouldn't be disturbed from my much needed sleep.

Laying back down, I felt off.

Something in the room, had obviously changed.

There were two people, instead of one.

My heart froze.

My eyes froze.

My soul froze.


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