• Why'd you wake me up puto •

970 31 62

// Your POV //

My heart froze.

My eyes froze.

My soul froze.

"Now don't get tensed up now, we were just starting to have a conversation *chuckle* or you can just scream like a l-little bitch." A sudden deep voice became deeper, And closer.

I could hear dress shoes stepping closer by the second towards my bed. *click clack* *click clack*. Then wide, bright eyes came In to vision with deep ocean blue pits as centers.

I kept on staring at them as if they were hypnotizing me, He had what seemed black un-brushed hair. His white hoodie was stained with patches of blood along with black skinny jeans as pants.

"You stayed up a little past your bed time, why don't I help you Go. To. Sle-" I quickly dashed up and grabbed the spray bottle from my head board I used for watering my plants and sprayed him in his unblinking eyes, and found the nerve to swiftly kick him between the legs.

"Heh who's the weak one now hun?" I scoffed while grabbing his hair back so he could see me behind him.

His knife had slipped out of his reach and now was currently against his neck up to his veins. Held by my hand. 'Where in the hell did I learn to do this shit?!' I thought to myself.

(Ur a demon/angel/wolf/cat/dildo hybrid mwahahaha.)

The smiling man quickly got up and pushed me away up against my bedroom wall, his hands held over my throat as his eyes shined of bloodlust, those actions only made my will to live stronger.

"You get the pass this time, but when we lock eyes again you better wish you were dead before you met me. I will even do you a favor and make you and your family beautiful like me." He said while letting go, After him turning his back to me he soon got to the window and flipped me the bird then jumped out.

I just layed there after collapsing on the ground. *bzz bzzz* my phone went beeping again, I crawled over and grabbed my phone from across the room and logged on.



wow good job you pissed him off :/ now he's ranting on and on how his balls hurt lol. ALSO I MADE IT HEHE

                                                                      You: wait, do you.?nive together? He he tried to kill me will you try to?!&$,


wait, do they live together? He tried to kill me! Will he try to?!


BEN DROWNED has send an audio message ▶️


I clicked on the audio message and all I could hear was what seemed to be "BEN" giggling and the killer yelling "HOW THE FUCK DOES THAT SMALL OF A GIRL BEAT ME? HUH? STOP GIGGLING YOU MIDGET PIG- wait what are you doing?! Is that the bitch on call?! EH FUCK YOU"

"Bro has anger issues. The fuck I even do to him? Should I call the police? Nah rather die." I sighed while questioning myself. "Actually...imma piss him them off." I said with an evil smirk growing on my face. But then I saw BEN made a group chat... who tf is Jeff and Toby?


*Why is this shit so cringey tf-*


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