• Am I dreaming rn? •

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Who tf is Jeff and Toby? I questioned myself, Let's find out? 😭⁉️



BEN who the hell is y/n??? Bro you Better of not of met another mortal istg.

Who tf are you? Raggedy ahh misplaced bivh 💀

Jeff: Who are you?

Twitchboi  has left the group chat...

BEN: Jeff you know them don't you? You just saw them last tonight. Hehe


In those moments I was about to laugh my ass off, The killers name was Jeff? Omg imma bout to make him burn to the point he gon look like a white Crayola crayon, Not that he already doesnt.


            You: bro when you came out of yo mom the doctors thought she was a human oven. Your dad was looking at 2008 memes and you mom ask "what should we name him?" And your dad says "jeff... ha that would be funny." And your mom actually carried through w it :(

Jeff: I, actually made myself beautiful ion needed my parents plus the ladies like my smile. They say it's very charming ;)

BEN: yeah before your abt to kill them lol, doesn't mean they ain't pleading for their life bro.

Jeff: I will come and smash your Playstation AND x-box. Stfu

You: wut abt meh 👉👈 I'm feeling left out uwu 💀

Jeff: don't worry, I will smash sum else.

BEN: bro got that dawg in him 💀

You: haha look at the time I gotta go :)


I shut my phone off and put it on my night stand. "I better be dreaming." I said to myself while drifting off to sleep.


This shi just funny asf to me plus the
Only time I write these is late at night. It's like a boost lol. ANYWAYS have good night or day idk.


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