•Walk in the Woods•

754 26 10

June, 10th 2018

"Y/n! I'm heading off to work, And I will be back later tonight..don't get Into any trouble." I heard my grandmother call outside of my bedroom door, She acted as if I was deaf. I managed to open my eyes and respond "okay." And then the weight lifted off my chest when I heard her foot steps walking away and the the front door shut.

~Time skip~

"Hm what to eat." I said while tapping my chin, I soon looked over to a bag of (Favorite chips) sitting on the kitchen table. "Perfect." I said while grabbing them. 'A walk in the woods should be fun' I thought to myself, I soon started walking towards the door and then felt my phone buzz.

Three new messages from BEN.

I was hesitant to reading his texts, I was hoping that it was all a dream. The smiling man. Jeff. That made me laugh.

I leaned against the counter near the door and logged into my phone, And went to messages.

BEN: I'm bored 🥲👌

BEN: I don't think you should go out today.

BEN: ik your going to the woods.

Um... this guy was actually starting to creep me out. WELL OFC I SHOULD BE FREAKED OUT A LITERAL KILLER TRIED OFFING ME LAST NIGHT. "Bro fuck this guy." I said while opening the bag of chips and heading out the door towards the woods.

Jeff's pov

Someone has to come through these woods.

Tare them apart. Make my art. Make them my art.

*bzzz bzzz* "fuck" I whispered while almost falling off the tree. I tapped on the phone screen to see several texts from BEN. Fucking midget. "Hated the guy, only use him for getting me out of shit." I said to myself, then opened the message.

Dipshit: Hey, their coming out to the woods bro. Don't do shi, The boss might like them.

You: we'll see about that :)

Dipshit: f u

I soon shut off the power on my phone and slipped it into my hoodie pocket, I soon heard Singing from below the tree I was crouched in.

I will make your vocal cords into ribbins on the gift of your head to your loved ones.

I will make you smile. You will be beautiful.





Trust me ion even know how I came up with this and it's scary 🤧 anyways how are yall? If there is an audience lol.  (Update) bitch stfu u Abt to write a whole ass series based off of Creepypastas and gore smh


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