Chapter One:

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*Grace's P.O.V*

I don't remember being a young child, I mean who does? But all I know is that my mum and dad adopted me in 1991 when I was a year old. I was born January 13th 1990 to an abusive mother and father.

My body was badly damaged by the abuse that I faced by the hands of my biological parents that when my mum and dad met me, I was fighting for every breath I was breathing. 

I was only allowed to go to my new house with my new parents when mum and dad were given the go-ahead for my amputations in six months time. 

When I was about three-years-old (I don't remember anything from before I was three as my oldest memory was my third birthday) I got my very first prosthetic legs. They were bright yellow and I can't believe that mum and dad ever let me wear them! 

I learned to walk in the yellow legs but it was my second pair of legs my dad saw me struggle with them. 

My second pair of legs were 'normal' skin tone colour and they were a change for my eyes. 

According to dad, I struggled to adjust to my new height.

As an adult, I love my prosthetic legs and I love running in my blades and chasing Lily-Rose and Jake and dad's newest pet. But Lily-Rose and Jack is coming up soon!

********************Next Chapter Coming Up Soon*********************************************

The next chapter will contain some dialogue: It'll be either from Grace's P.O.V or Johnny's P.O.V or Winona's P.O.V

You'll have to wait to see. :-)

Born Normal, Made FamousWhere stories live. Discover now