Chapter Two:

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*Winona's Point Of View*

Being in my twenties, becoming a parent wasn't first on my list but I'm glad I adopted Grace because otherwise, I wouldn't have a child to raise. 

Being a parent to a child who suffered trauma as a newborn baby made me want to protect my little girl more than anything on the planet. 

Being a part of Grace's story from being a six-month old to being an almost thirty year old makes me proud of my baby's journey. 
When Grace was around two years old, she was finally talking to us, but it was the year that Johnny and I broke up.
It was a Saturday afternoon and Johnny, me and Grace were playing with our 27 week old Australian Shepherd, Noodles. Grace was around the age of two and a half
Grace was practicing her walking while giving Noodles his treats during his training.
'How are you Grace?' Asked Johnny
'I'm good.' Replied Grace.
Our older dog (our six-year-old German Shepherd Tango) was walking alongside Grace while her hand was on Tango's back, keeping herself supported.
Grace was still a little wobbly but walking better with the dog than she was using either me or Johnny for support.

Tango and Noodles were Grace's best friends. They were also her first friends. 

Tango was the one who Grace took her first steps with. Not many people can say they took their first steps with a dog, but Grace can. 

Little did me and Johnny knew but that was our last year of peace before our split but at the end of the every day, we're there for each other and we're there because of our daughter. 

If it wasn't for Grace, I don't think me and Johnny would have stayed friends but it's thanks to Grace that me and Johnny stayed friends. 

Young Grace always enjoyed spending time with Tango and Noodles. They were definitely her best friends but as she grew older, she became more and more interested in her biological family but me and her father enjoyed every minute we had with her in case she was found by her biological family. 

One particular memory always stands out when I think of Grace as a child.

It was three days till her ninth birthday and Grace was wearing her prosthetic legs. Tango had passed away three years before and Noodles was quite an old dog. 

Grace was playing on the trampoline and Noodles was trying to find a way to jump in (being an Australian Shepherd, he was quite active and jumping and running until he died) when the doorbell of the front door went. 

I went to get the front door while Grace and Noodles came following. 

It was Johnny at the front door. He had some gifts. 

"It's not Grace's birthday for a few days." I replied. 

"I know but I have some gifts for her. I just found out about this a couple of months ago and Grace needs to know." said Johnny.

I let Johnny in and Grace led him into the sitting room where they sat on the old couch. 

"Grace, I have some news for you." Johnny said.

"You and Mummy are getting back together?" guessed Grace with hopefulness in her eyes. 

"No darling. You're gonna be a big sister." said Johnny. 

I was so happy for Grace. And Johnny of course. But mostly Grace. She was gonna be a big sister!

"Have you got pictures?" asked Grace.

Johnny went into his pocket and handed something to Grace. 

"This is a scan picture of your unborn baby sibling." said Johnny.

Grace and Johnny shared a hug. This was when Lily-Rose entered Grace's life for the first time. 

***************End of Chapter*****************************************************************

Who will be the narrator of the next chapter? 

Will it be Grace or Winona or Johnny or maybe Lily-Rose. Who knows?

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