Chapter Twenty Eight.

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Ava's POV
I heard clapping when I woke. Still in wolf form I opened one eye lazily to see the scientists clapping at me. I was laid down with my paws crossed, head resting on them and closed my eye again. Ignoring the commotion around me.

"What did you do last night?" I asked Aura.

"Slept," She grumbled, "I showed them my eyes had changed colours, lied down and went for a lovely six hour nap. Never felt more lazy on a full moon,"

"I didn't feel any pain," I said, "Anyone else?"

"No," Came the two replied.

"Ava!" I opened one eye again spotting that Liam had run in as the scientists had walked out, "Oh, you shifted?"

I growled a response, closing my eyes again, swatting my tail at his hand as he reached to touch me. I was still annoyed with him. He knew this was what was going to happen last night. Not only did he not warn me, but he also did everything his dad asked, keeping me fit for last night.

"That was the most boring full moon of my life," Ava grumbled, "Kill him,"

I chuckled at the thought but shot up as soon as Xavier entered the room. He was clapping slowly at me, holding the scientists reports.

"You did well," He told me, pushing Liam away, "Lasted till just after midnight, what changed your mind?"

"I couldn't hold it off anymore," I lied, "A wolf's primal instinct will always, always force the human side away,"

"Not so strong now are you," He chuckled.

I gave a small growl, parting my teeth as he turned away. He was holding a small wodge of paper and turned to Liam.

"Take her back to her cell, no food and water, three days, we'll try her up against three wolves again then, okay?"

"Yes dad," Liam sighed.

"Good," Xavier grumbled, "When the meals come, separate her, and make sure no-one saves her anything,"

Xavier left again and Liam turned to me, the worry in his face, replaced with pride.

"You didn't do anything when you shifted," He chuckled, having now gotten hold of a copy of the reports, "You made the night that boring for them, half left,"

I panted, seemingly smiling as he chuckled, looking down at me. When clothing was finally handed to me I hastily shifted. Wobbling as I stood. I was stiff, I was tired and I was warey.

Everything in my body hurt. Even just blinking and breathing felt stiff and heavy as I tried my best to fight sleep away. Liam's hand was around my shoulder as I wobbled and soon he swept me off my feet carrying me as he looked down.

I had snuggled into his shirt, into his touch. His smile, oh his smile. It filled every ounce of my body with butterflies. All but the voice of reason, telling me what this man had done.

"You look so peaceful," He whispered, his lips brushing against my ear, "So peaceful my love,"

"Liam," Felix had rounded the corner, and pulled me out of Liam's hands.

I almost whimpered, the feeling of being in another man's hands foreign to me. It filled me with disgust and I wanted to push away. His hands were too strong in my weak, half starved body.

"What did I tell you about-" He started but Liam was already walking away, waving his hands behind his head before shouting instructions I was too tired to hear.

Felix looked down at me, shaking his head as we headed to what seemed to be an isolation cell. There was one bed, a small blue door with bars in the window, and soundproofing in the walls. I whimpered as he put me down, only paying attention to him again as my hands clasped around the cup of water.

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