2. The Date

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"Hey, baby" Tony says. "Hi," I say, giving him a peck on the lips. "So, what did you want to do?" I felt a twinge of disappointment, realizing he had forgotten we agreed to go to the movies AND he had promised to buy tickets in advance. "Oh...Um, I thought we agreed on the movies. Were you able to get those tickets?" I said, trying to sound optimistic. "No, I didn't get any tickets. I didn't think that plan was set in stone...my bad," He said casually. "Well, what would you like to do then?" I said, trying to hide the fact that I was annoyed at him for yet again falling through with our previous set plans. He never actually asks me to do things. I always suggest the activities and stuff, and we do them. I do wish he would plan a date or something, but he says that's not his strong suit. "I don't know. You're the one who is particular about what we do." He says in a slightly annoyed tone. "You know what, let's just go to that Taco place downtown like last time," I said, not wanting to have any conflict tonight. He shrugged and put the location into his google maps.

At dinner we talk about how are days went and what the coming days will look like. Out of the blue Tony says "Oh hey I think I may have a really great option for this fall!" Tony was a year ahead of me and had just graduated highschool. He struggled academically and wanted to wait before applying to colleges. His parents suggested he study at the community college and get his GPA up and then transfer into a state school. "Okay what is it?" I said matching his excitement. "Okay... so you know how I have been looking around for some entry level internships and stuff. Well I found one that works with recent highschool grads interested in business. The pay isn't great but Dad says experience is sometimes better than a degree!" He says. "That's amazing Tony! When did you hear about this?" I ask him. "This morning I got an email from them basically asking them to join me. They said they really liked what they saw in me and think I have a ton of potential in the world of business. It's for three years and then I would totally have my foot in the door for a great job!" I could tell he was really excited about this and I was really happy for him too. His older brother was in law school and I think Tony sometimes felt insecure that he didn't excel the same way in school. As we walked out of the restaurant into the warm, summer night air I took his hand. "So where is it anyways?" I asked as he held up his keys to *beep* the car open. "Trenton." He said "Wait...as in Trenton New Jersey?" I asked hesitantly. "Yeah that's the one." He said with a smile. I don't think he noticed that my face had fallen as I closed my door and got buckled. I was quiet for the drive home. I had a pit in my stomach and my feelings were ...hurt? No that wasn't it. Disappointed maybe? No, why should I be disappointed. I should feel proud! My inner dialogue didn't change the growing feeling in my gut.

 I should feel proud! My inner dialogue didn't change the growing feeling in my gut

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As we turned onto my street he looked over at me. "Hey what's up?" He asked. "So Trenton is like 11 hours away right?" I asked trying to keep my voice steady. "Um yeah something like that 10 or 11...Why?" He said casually. "Well what about us?" I said now with a shaky voice. We pulled into the driveway. No one else was home yet. My family had stayed back to do some cleanup at the community center. I opened the car door now tears starting to fall. " what about us?" He said. "I mean what about me, what about us...are we done? You're going to move like two states away for the next three years so I don't really see how I fit into your life starting this fall." I said getting the hiccups from the tears that had been falling this whole time. "I haven't really thought that far ahead, Gwen, but can't you be happy for me that I can even do this?!"

 "I haven't really thought that far ahead, Gwen, but can't you be happy for me that I can even do this?!"

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He said now getting a little frustrated.
"I am happy for you, Tony! I want to see you succeed and I know you will, I'm just sad that you didn't think of me." I cried. "What makes you think that? I said I hadn't planned ahead yet not that I wasn't thinking of you. God, Gwen why are you twisting this. You still have a year left of school. What am I supposed to do? Just wait around in Longsport until you graduate and then go wherever you go?!" He said in an exasperated tone. "I sniffled. "No that's not what I'm saying at all! I just thought...I don't know. I thought you wanted to be with me." He groaned "Who said I don't want to be with you, G. You're always putting words in my mouth. I am taking an internship in Trenton. That has nothing to do with our relationship. I really don't see why you're so upset right now." He said sounding very annoyed. "Of course it affects our relationship, Tony! You are going to be a plane ride away for the next three years. I will see you at Christmas and maybe Thanksgiving.." I snapped. Tony put his hands over his face and rubbed his eyes. "Gwen, I really don't know the details. Like yeah maybe that will be the case, but I don't really want to talk about this anymore." He walked away leaving me on my front porch. He got into his car and before backing out he said "I'll talk to you tomorrow." He then rolled up his window and sped away.

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