8. What a roller coaster*

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contains smut*

Of course Johnny and I ended up sitting next to each other in the car ride to the park. I tried to go in a separate car, but apparently wasn't fast enough. So there we were sitting side by side, squished so close together in the back seats, but we were both trying not to touch too much. We didn't speak one word to each other that entire car ride. Once we arrived at the park I was determined to shake this cloud of awkwardness. I caught up to Johnny and the rest of the group and walked along side him in silence for a moment giving him the opportunity to speak first. That didn't happen. "hey do you remember the first time we went to an amusement park?" I asked Johnny. He cracked a smile. "How could I forget?" He said. "It's certainly not every day that you have to call the fire department to get a 7 year old little girl out of the Snoopy ride because of a harness malfunction. Oh and the fact that you were a grand total of three feet off the ground and you screamed that you were going to die the entire rescue mission." He finished this by looking right at me and raising an eyebrow. I laughed. I was glad to see him smiling and looking at me again. The rest of the day went by smoothly. 

By the time we got back to the car our feet were sore, our stomaches ached from laughing and the sun was beginning to set. At home most of us didn't really feel like dinner because of all the food we ate at the park. The girls went up to the bedroom to watch a movie with the twins. Johnny and I were sitting on the porch looking at the lake when he said "do you want to go for a walk?" I was a little surprised. "yeah, yeah I would." I smiled and took his hand as he helped me up. I wondered if I should circle back to the incident from this morning. To my surprise Johnny beat me to it. "Hey look G, I'm sorry again for this morning. I shouldn't have acted so cold to you it's not like you did anything wrong or anything to deserve that period." He looked sincere and concerned. "Johnny I'm not mad at you or frustrated or anything like that ...you know that right?" He shrugged. "I guess I just feel guilty." "I don't understand, what do you mean by guilty-for what?" He sighed. "Gwen, the dream was about you." I looked at the. ground so he wouldn't see my face of shock. I wasn't sure what to say. "I mean it's not like you have any control over that. We spend a lot of time together so that doesn't seem crazy -at all." His shoulders became a little less tense as I said this. "in fact" I added " I've had a sex dream about you, so don't beat yourself up." He turned to look at me with a very surprised look on his face. "really?" he asked "mhm" I nodded, but I was having a hard time looking directly at him.

When we got back to the house we had a lot of sand and grime on our feet and ankles. Johnny walked towards the outdoor shower and held the door open for me. "We are fully clothed! Shouldn't we just use the hose-we are going to get soaked in there for no good reason." 

He smiled at me

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He smiled at me. "no I don't want to use the hose." he took my hand and gently pulled me to him and then pushed me in through the wooden door to the shower. "hey!" I laughed. I walked over to turn on the nozzle. As we were washing off I cupped my hands and threw water right down Johnny's shirt. " Pay back." I said with a smirk. "that's not the same! I didn't get any of your clothes wet I just pushed you...how is that fair?" I shrugged and looked down. "How do you know you didn't get any of my clothes wet." I said quietly. Johnny froze and looked at me. "what did you say?" He stood up straight and walked a little closer to me. I stood up to. "I said how do you know you didn't get any of my clothes wet?" He stopped inches away from my face. I could almost see how fast his heart was beating. He put his hands on my waist and then with no warning spun me around into clear shot of the shower head. "What is wrong with you?!" he just smiled. "Payback baby" "I'll show you payback" I said as I lunged towards him. he caught me and held my arms to my sides with one hand each. He slowly backed me towards one of the shower walls until my back came in contact with the wood. He let go of my arms and stepped closer. "Hi" he said. I smiled at him "hi." "I don't think you caught on when I said you don't know whether or not you got any part of me wet." I said still smiling. He smirked at me "no I understood completely."  I knew he could see my breathing speed up. He looked down at my lips and then back into my eyes. I looked right into his and said "what the hell are you waiting for?" 

Johnny kissed me like he had been away at war and hadn't seen me in years. His arms wrapped around me. One hand was on my head grabbing gently at my hair and the other was on the small of my back pushing me close to him. I hand both my arms around his neck as I reciprocated his passion. He turned us around and backed towards the wooden bench at the end of the shower never loosing his grip on me. He sat down and grabbed my waist to steady me as I straddled him sitting on his lap. Our kiss only got deeper. I hand both my hands on his face as I connected my mouth to his like my life depended on it. I began to grind my hips slowly back and forth into his lap. He waisted no time firmly gripping my ass to push my movements deeper. I pushed my chest up to his as I ground hard into him. He practically tore my shirt off and kissed my chest while he ran his hands up my back to my bra clasp. " Johnny mom wants to know if you want S'mores!" Isabell screamed from the porch. Johnny threw his head back into the wooden wall and his eyes rolled. "UMM just tell mom I'll be down in a minute!" he called back trying not to sound out of breath. We were both panting. "We should probably get dry clothes on andddd I would love a s'more." He said while tucking a piece of hair behind my head. I smiled back at him as I turned my face to reach his hand better. "yeah we should." We ran back to the house not wanting to explain to anyone who might see us why were were soaked. 

In the bedroom we threw our wet clothes over the tub. I turned around to see Johnny only in his boxers. I walked close to him.  I too was stripped down the my underwear. I kissed him gently and slipped two fingers into his waistband and glided them back and forth. I put on hand over his boxers to feel his dick. "You're like really hard" I said into his mouth between kisses. He grabbed me around the waist and gently lifted me onto the bathroom counter. "Yeah no shit I'm hard." I laughed a little. Then we heard footsteps bounding up the stairs. "Shit!" We said in unison. I hopped down from the counter and ran out into the room and threw some dry clothes on. Agitha burst in just as I finished. "Where's Johnny?" she asked. "bathroom" I said casually. "c'mom I want to go eat s'mores" I said grabbing my sisters hand and guiding her out of the bedroom. 

I was on my second s'more when Johnny strolled down to the fire pit. He winked at me as he passed. He sat in a chair across from me. I shot him a smile. "So how was your walk, kids?" Mrs. Depp asked. I almost choked on a piece of graham cracker. Agitha smacked me on the back. "Are you okay sweety?" my mom asked. I nodded still trying to gain composer. "drink some water, sometimes you just need to get it a little wet in there." Johnny said adding a devious grin when no one was looking. I was glad I had just had a coughing fit otherwise the sudden shade of red on my face would have been alarming. I drank some water as Johnny answered his mom's question. "It was great. we saw this couple having a race and I thought the guy was going to finish first, but neither of them finished. Still fun to watch though." I felt Johnny looking at me but I refused to look up. 

Much later we all walked up to the house to go to bed. I lagged behind with Johnny. "Hey what the hell was the bullshit about the guy and the girl not finishing their 'race'?" I whispered sternly. He smiled. "you know what that was about." "okay yea, but you didn't need to say that were you trying to make me blush??" He turned to face me. I took his thumb to wipe off a little bit of graham cracker from my face. "yeah-that was the idea." He looked back up the hill to see if anyone was looking then he quickly bent his head and kissed me. He smiled and pulled away. Before I could scold him about not being subtle and almost getting caught by our families he turned and ran up the hill. I shook my head and laughed. 

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