Chapter Four

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That night Lily and I decided it would be a good night to get some drinks. We were going to go to a club that's not far from the college and see if maybe we'll even meet some people.

"So how drunk do you plan on getting?", Lily asks me.

"Well I always say that I don't plan on getting that drunk, but end up getting wasted so i'll just say it all depends on the night", I say with a laugh.

Lily laughs too. "I guess the same goes for me, lets just see where the night takes us, right?"

I nod and smile. "I'm gonna go get dressed now. Be right back."

"Same here!"

I go into my closet and pull out the only two dresses I have that are fit for clubbing. One of them is a silver and black one armed dress, the one one a sleeveless red dress, that's skin tight and ends a bit higher than mid thigh. I decide to go with the silver and black dress, just so if I do meet anyone from the college they don't assume anything wrong from the red slightly slutty dress.

I slip on the dress and then run a straightener through my dark brown hair. My hairs naturally straight but it still has a little wave to it. I grab a comb and tease it a little, then pick up my mascara and apply it to my upper and bottom lashes. I put some liquid eyeliner on my top lid, giving me the cat eye look, then apply a light silvery pink eyeshadow. I put on some blush then grab my light pink Victoria's Secret lipgloss. I go into my closet and put on some black high heels. I don't usually like wearing high heels so I don't have many to choose from.

When I was finished fixing everything I walked into the living room to grab my purse and wait for Lily to be finished. I sat on the couch and turned on the TV, watching Snooki and JWoww.

"So, you ready to go?", Lily said from behind me.

"Yup", I said as I grabbed my purse and turned off the TV. I turn around and my breath gets caught in my throat, my mind goes blank and I forgot everything I was going to say next. Lily stands in front of me, wearing a black sleeveless dress that had lace on the top and was tight around her waist. It stopped about mid thigh, maybe a bit longer. Her brown hair was curled perfectly and her make up was perfect as well. She looked stunning. It's a little weird saying this but she looked absolutely beautiful.

"You look stunning, Lily", I said, my voice coming out huskier than I intended it to.

I watch as her eyes travel up and down my body.Something flashes in her eyes, but it's gone before I can tell what it is. She swallows and looks back up to my face. "You do too, Bree. You're beautiful."

My stomach does a little flip and a blush rises to my cheeks. "Thanks. Uhm, we should get going."

She nods. "We should. I called the cab before I came out. It should be here by the time we make it down."

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