Chapter Ten

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I'm awoken by the sound of our front door closing. I lift my head from my pillow and look around, still groggy from falling asleep. I pick my book up from beside me and put the bookmark back in it. I yawn as I get up off my bed and walk over to my dresser to set my book back on it where it was before. I look at the time on my alarm clock, seeing it's just a little after 5 o'clock. I furrow my eyebrows. That means I was asleep for almost 2 hours and that Lily was out with Matt for an hour after her last class.

I shuffle my way to my bedroom door, dragging my feet the whole way there. I open my door and step out into our living room where I see Lily leaning against the kitcehn counter. She turns around and looks at me as I step out of my bedroom.

"Hey, you're back," I say, my voice a little rough from sleep.

She smiles and opens her mouth to reply when her gaze travels down my body. She closes her mouth and her gaze keeps roaming up and down my lower body. I feel a slight breeze on my legs so I look down and realize I'm not wearing pants, just a tank top that barely covers my underwear. I guess I must have taken off my pants while I was sleeping.

I don't want to run back to my room to put on pants because I don't want her to think I'm uncomfortable so I tug my tank top down, trying to be as subtle as possible.

She coughs and looks back up to my face, a slight blush on her cheeks. "Yeah, I'm back," she says, her voice a little rougher than before.

I smile. "What did you guys do?"

Her gaze quickly darts back down to my legs then she turns around and takes her school books out of her bag. "We just went to a cafe for some coffee."

I nod even though she isn't facing me and can't see me. "Did you have fun?"

"Yeah, it was nice to be able to talk to him again. We had some fun talking about the fun stuff we used to do," she says and I can hear the smile in her voice. 

"That sounds nice." I bite my lip when I realize I don't sound like the nicest person. 

She looks over her shoulder at me, her gaze staying firmly on my face. "Are you okay?"

I nod. "Yeah, I'm good."

"Do you not like Matt or something? You acted kind of weird around him."

I shake my head, sighing quietly. "No, I like him. He seems nice. I just don't know him." 

She frowns at me, her eyebrows furrowing. "I want you guys to be friends too. I mean, you're my roommate and my friend, and he's also an old friend so I want you guys to be okay with each other."

I give her a questioning look. "Did he say something to you about me? Does he not like me?"

She shakes her head. "No, he didn't say anything bad like that. He just said he doesn't think you like him very much. But I told him you're just shy."

I nod, wanting to get off this topic of discussion. "Want to order something to eat? I'm starving." 

She smiles, this time turning to face me instead of looking at me over her shoulder. "Great idea. What do you wanna oder? Pizza?"

I smile back at her. I have a hard time not smiling back when she smiles at me. "Sounds great. You order and I'll go put some pants on." I laugh lightly, trying to diffuse the uncomfortableness I feel. 

Her gaze travels down my body again, going to my bare legs. Her eyes stay there for a second until they quickly find their way back up to my face. "Sure." 

I turn around and head back into my room, closing the door behind me. I find a pair of yoga pants laying on my floor and quickly grab them, slipping them over my legs. I take a glance in my mirror and cringe at the sight of my hair. I take my brush and hastily run it through my hair, trying not to pull out half my hair in the process. 

Once I'm decent enough I go back out into the living room. This time Lily is sitting on the couch, the remote in her hand while she tries to find something good on TV to watch. I walk over and take a seat beside her. She smiles over at me when I sit down.

"So was your first day that bad?" she asks me, still surfing channels. 

I shrug one shoulder. "It wasn't that bad, no. How was yours?"

She shrugs one shoulder too. "It was good. I was hoping the guys would have magically matured since high school but apparently not."

I laugh. "Good thing I didn't have those kinds of high expectations or else I would have been dissapointed."

She laughs with me. "True, you would have been. Oh well, I gave up on guys long ago."

I look over at her, trying to read her face to get a hint at what she means. I'm about to ask her when she speaks instead. 

"I got bacon and mushroom pizza, by the way. Just so you know."

I smile. "No, that's good. I like that kind." 

She smiles back. "Good. Because you'd have to eat it anyway."

I laugh and lean back into the couch, getting myself more comfortable. Lily continues surfing through channels while I shift on the couch, my leg brushing against hers unintentionally. Or maybe not so unintentionally. 

I finally get comfortable and stop shifting around. Lily's found a channel that's playing an action movie and she starts shifting around to get comfortable too. Her shifting brings us closer together on the couch. Our knees touch and our arms slightly brush each others. 

I smile slightly to myself but keep my focus on the TV, not wanting her to see my reaction to her. I don't want her to get freaked out or anything, that would not be good. For the rest of the night we eat pizza and watch movies, talking about the people in our classes and our professors for the semester. 

At the end of the night, I slip into my pj's and crawl into bed, thoughts of my roommate invading my mind and my dreams.



This chapter is short but it's currently 3am where I am and I have to be up early to do stuff to get ready for Christmas, since it's Christmas eve! But if I have time I'll try to start the next chapter!

I hope you all have an amazing Christmas, Happy Holidays!!

Falling For The Roommate (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now