Moving pt.1

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You: Bold and italics
Other people: Italics

It was a normal day at school for Y/N L/N at S/N (school name). And it was lunch time, the morning classes were always boring since it was History (social) and English (LA/ Language Arts). The afternoon classes were always the best, You always tend to show off your gem powers at lunch, you had hydro kinesics and telekinesis so you could impress your friends with a little show to pass the time when done eating.

After lunch you went to your next class, but was stopped by the principal " Hey! Your father called and told me he wanted you home." Mx, Whispers said. "Oh! Okay then, thanks for informing me." You responded in excitement. You've never moved from H/T in your life, so this was gonna be pretty cool. But you'll miss your friends, they were there all your life and you're leaving them.

So you went back to your home room to go get your bag and leave. The teacher was informed of your leaving so you didn't have to worry about getting a very confused look from them.

Your friends obviously asked why I was leaving, and with that you bluntly said "My dads are gonna move soon, so they wanted me to start packing right now ." . They were all kinda shocked that you were leaving.

And you were too, but it was nice to go home instead of having to do boring school stuff. Instead, you got to pack instead! With your dads!

So you went out the front doors and walked yourself home,"Wow, I never noticed how nice the trees are" you said to no one. The walk back was quiet and slow, but you noticed there was a car following you because you kept seeing it around you.

But other than that, you had not a care in the world.  While crossing the street (looking both ways before obviously)  a little bit later, you saw the same car going pedal to the medal towards you.

And in the blink of an eye-

(Hehehe, first chapter and your already getting a cliffhanger >:)    )

Peridot x Female! Half gem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now