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"What?" She yelled getting up from her spot.
"You heard me, you're out and that's the end of it." He said obviously pleased with himself. And began to descend down the stairwell. Rachel was worried but she convinced herself that he was bluffing, she hoped she was right.

Rachel eventually had to go back down to the 8th floor. The rest of the night she stayed in her room, staring at the window. And most importantly ignoring her dad. Rachel stared out into the vast beyond thinking about her mom, all the way in Florida. While she was stuck in the crowded city known as "The Big Apple." Even though her parents had gotten divorced when she was going from 8th to 9th grade she never let go of what happened. The way hers dad crazy temper drove away her mom. Her parents were never happy they just pretended to be. But Rachel was always really close with her mom and when her mom left without her, Rachel swore never to forgive her. And to this day she never did. As far as Rachel knew her mom had remarried to some firefighter guy and she's happy. The day her mom left, she sent Rachel off to school and said I'll see you tonight and that's the end. Maybe that why she loves stars. They were the only thing in her life she could look forward to. And not to mention the fact they're consistent. Because even though you don't see them in the morning you know they will always be back at night.
As Rachel's brain continued to swirl with memories and thoughts, her eyes got heavy and she fell fast asleep.

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