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                     "This is definitely one of the weirdest things your family does Kyle." said Stella Quinn. Kyle Allis smiled at his girlfriend as he helped prep the "courthouse" in the living room. Grandma Allis held the toy mallet from one of the toy doctor's kits. "I now call this court to order. We are here to examine the case of plaintiff Belle Allis and defendant Kyra Allis".

                   "Plaintiff's counselor, what do you have to say?" asked Grandma Allis. Kyle's younger brother Danny, who was around 14 said, "Your Honour, my client would like to file a lawsuit against the defendant for not keeping her promise of buying her a cookies n cream ice cream sundae." "Hm. Was the promise put in writing?".

                   "Yes your Honour." said the boy as he held up a piece of paper. On it was a colour pencil drawing of an ice cream with a red 70% on it. He then gave it to the judge. "Objection, your Honour." said Gwendoline, who was around 16. "You may speak, defendant's counselor." "That evidence cannot be valid, as it is merely a picture and a number. It does not in any way insinuate that a promise was made between the plaintiff and my client.".

                    Danny shot a glance at his sister. "Your Honour, the ice cream represents the reward, and the number represents the task needed to get the reward." "But a picture alone cannot possibly be seen as valid evidence." "Order in the court!" Grandma Allis said as she slammed the toy mallet onto a coaster, making loud squeaking noises. 

                    Grandma Allis said, "I accept this picture as evidence." Attorney Gwendoline had her jaw dropped. Danny smirked. Gwendoline then said triumphantly, "Do you have a witness to your case?" she said with a grin. "Actually, yes. Your Honour, I would like to call in a witness to the stands." "And who is that, plaintiff's counselor?". Mr Allis then came home from work.

                    "Witness, please read the oath." "Yes mo- I mean, yes your Honour." Stella stifled a giggle as Kyle nudged her. "I solemnly swear to tell the truth, only the truth, and nothing but the truth. And if any deception if found, I am willing to bear full responsibilities and consequences.". "Plaintiff's counselor, you may begin questioning.".

                    "Mr Allis, where were you on Friday April 22nd at 7:29pm?" asked Danny. Mr Allis recalled, "Near Belle's bedroom. I was on my way to brush my teeth." "And did you hear anything going on?" "Yes.". Danny grinned as Gwendoline gritted her teeth. Danny said, "You heard the promise of Miss Kyra Allis to Miss Belle Allis, correct?" "Yes.". "What was said during the exchange?".

                   Stella, Kyle and a few uncles and aunts who were there watched on with bated breath. "'If you score seventy marks and above in your next test, Mommy will buy you a cookies n cream sundae.'". "Your Honour, that is all.". Gwendoline then lit up. "Wait your Honour, is there any evidence that the plaintiff DID score over seventy marks in her test?" "Valid. What do you have to say plaintiff's counselor?" Danny looked at his client, who took out her test sheet. 

                   69.5%. "You see your Honour? The plaintiff has not upheld her end of the deal, therefore making their case invalid." Gwendoline said with glee. "Just a minute your Honour," said Danny smoothly, "In my client's class, the teacher is generous enough to move the 0.5 marks, therefore making the 69.5... into 70%.". 

                   "Gaah!" Gwendoline screeched. Grandma Allis slammed her toy mallet into the coaster again, making louder squeaking noises. "Order in the court! Defendant, how do you plead?" "I plead not guilty." "Courthouse adjourned. We will have a 10 minute recess and continue later with results.".

                  Stella sipped her juice box. "So does your family do this courthouse thing every time?" "Yeah, pretty much." "You should have seen the time Kyle tried to sue his father for not getting enough hotdogs." laughed Kyle's uncle. Stella giggled as Kyle flushed red. "Yeah well now I'm studying to be an actual lawyer. I might have a chance against granny." said Kyle. His aunt laughed. "Oh you'll never beat the old woman, has your dad ever told you that your gran was one of the most terrifying judges in her prime?".

                   Kyle said, "Oh yeah, I remember dad also saying that only grandpa could soften her up. If only he could see us now." "Yeah.". "I can still hear you all you know!" "Yes Pa." everyone chorused. The recess was over, and the court case continued. "The court finds the defendant... guilty of all charges. And as a result the defendant must uphold the promise made to the plaintiff, and serve up to 3 weeks of community service. The case is now adjourned.".

                  Stella smiled as she watched Belle squeal in happiness while Mrs Allis made a face as she took her out to the ice cream parlour. "What does the community service mean in this courthouse?" Stella asked. Kyle said, "Basically now Mom has to say yes to whatever dessert we want for 3 weeks. Within the budget of course.". 

                 The couple then looked over to Danny and Gwen as they stared at each other, then shook hands. "I will win the next case." said Gwen with determination. Danny grinned, "In your dreams." "I will get my revenge!".

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