chapter three

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week one

~ natasha's pov ~

We had been going through the worksheet for about 20 minutes now which meant there was only 15 minutes left. After the last word association on the worksheet i turned to look at all the half zoned out faces staring back at me.

"okay that's it for the first worksheet, if you want to start the second by all means or you can take some extra notes from the class" I announced and i saw a bunch off nods from students as some got started on the homework worksheet and others started taking notes.

I went to sit down at my desk taking a quick glance at that Y/n girl. I couldn't get her out of my mind, even though she was late and interrupted me i didn't want to be angry at her. It also didn't help that she looked so hot especially with that short skirt and crop top. Let me tell you if college had a dress code that would not pass.

Not that i was staring or anything but i could definitely tell she wasn't wearing a bra. I could practically see her nipples poking through the thin material. Also it looks like she has nipple piercings, which just makes her even hotter.

When she stumbled in all sweaty and panting i thought i was going to have a heart attack. Her chest was rising and falling rapidly as she tried desperately to catch her breath. Seeing her like that was doing wonders for my imagination, just thinking about her panting like crazy. Mouth open wide, eyes shut tightly, chest rising frantically making her breasts boun-

"Professor Romanoff?" I was broken from my thoughts by a student standing in front of my desk. Shit i can not think about my students like that god Natasha pull yourself together.

"yes, sorry hi Clair what's up?" I quickly asked shuffling in my chair slightly, crossing my legs to ease some of the tension if you know what i mean.

"i was wondering if you could go through this one word association with me again. i didn't really understand it the first time" Clair spoke shyly and i sent her a sweet smile.

"of course grab a seat and i'll show you" She smiled back going to grab her seat before coming back and sitting beside me.

I took a quick glance at Y/n who was sat right in front of my desk giving me a perfect view of her skimpy outfit. She was already looking at me when we locked gazes before she quickly looked away.

Once i had explained the word association to Clair further and she was back at her desk i was leaning back on my chair watching all the students work.

We had about 5 minutes left of the class so i quickly looked at my phone seeing no new notifications. When i looked up i looked straight at Y/n, she had already packed up her things and was sat staring at the board behind me chewing on her pencil.

The bell suddenly rang and i stood as all the students did the same gathering their things to leave. "Y/n can you please stay behind" I called out and i heard her groan before dropping her bag and plopping back down in her seat.

I waited for everyone else to leave waving and saying goodbye to them all before closing the door. "do you have another lecture right after this one?" I asked walking back over to her as she shook her head no. "when i ask a question i expect an answer" I stood in front of my desk looking down at her still sat at hers.

"uh um no. i have two hours until my next lecture" She replied looking down. I nodded moving closer placing my hands on her desk causing her to look up at me.

"i really hope you don't make a habit of being late to my lectures. also do you really think that outfit is appropriate?" I crossed my arms as she looked down at her chosen outfit.

"oh, well my friend actually thought it would be hilarious to turn my alarms off and then hide all my clothes. so i woke up late and had only this to wear" She crossed her arms trying to hide herself.

"she doesn't sound like a very good friend" I replied titling my head as she shook hers.

"no she's amazing she just likes to play stupid pranks. i'm gonna have to get use to it cause she's also my room mate" She explained and i walked back behind my desk seeing her look at me quickly.

"mhm" She stood up grabbing her bag swinging it over her shoulder.

"uh can i go or did you want to talk to me about something else?" She asked and i looked her up and down again now that she was stood up.

"you can go. don't forget about the homework and don't be late, or there will be consequences" I spoke sternly winking at her once i finished, she gasped  nodding as she started walking towards the door.

"good bye Professor Romanoff" She called back opening the door before exiting and closing it behind her again. This is going to be one interesting year with her in my class.

~ y/n's pov ~

Once i was out of the lecture hall i leaned against the door trying to steady my breathing. It had picked up whilst talking to Professor Romanoff. It's gonna be so hard to focus with her as my Professor, also was she flirting with me?

Nah there's no way, anyways i had two hours before my next lecture and i needed to go change. I got back to the dorm, i was hoping Sarah would be there so i could yell at her for what she did but she wasn't.

I found my clothes quickly putting them away and changing my outfit. I went with just some light blue denim shorts and an oversized tee tucked in loosely.

I decided to walk around campus until my next class which wasn't for another 20 minutes. While walking around i caught a glimpse of Professor Romanoff coming out of her lecture hall. She was walking alone until another professor joined her. They seemed really close she was laughing a lot so i'm assuming he was funny.

Not gonna lie it made me a little jealous seeing her laughing with someone else and especially when that someone else is a man.

Whatever let's just get the rest of today over with, it's only the first day and it's already been pretty shitty. I'll also be yelling at Sarah tonight when i see her for pulling a stunt like that on the first fucking day.

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