chapter six

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week one

~ at the cafe ~

"so what happened?" Sarah asked as i sat down across from her. I was puffing lightly because i had basically ran from my lecture to the cafe. "babe you good?"

I nodded taking a quick sip of my coffee before sighing deeply. "okay.. so.. Tourism with Professor Adams was going great, i was actually really enjoying it and then guess who fucking walked in?" I practically yelled getting all worked up over what happened.

"i don't know babe, who?" Sarah shook her head staring at me intently waiting for me to tell her what happened.

"fucking Romanoff, or should i say Natasha. that's right i know her first name now" Sarah gasped abruptly placing her coffee down on the table.

"no fucking way! have to admit that's a hot name though" I scoffed shaking my head, "oh come on i haven't even seen what she looks like yet" Sarah looked behind me briefly before looking down at her coffee taking a sip.

"she's fucking hot okay, like ugh, even you the straightest person i now would think she's hot" I explained causing Sarah to laugh. "okay but no i haven't even told you the best.. or maybe worst part" Sarah stared at me waiting for me to tell her what happened.

I was telling Sarah everything that happened in my Tourism class, from Adams flirting with Romanoff and then Romanoff flirting with me. I showed her the note with the Russian translation on it and she gasped seeing the winking smile face Romanoff drew.

"bro she grabbed my wrist, winked at me and smirked, she was definitely flirting" I finished and Sarah hummed leaning back in her chair.

I was about to say something else before the cafe door bell rang and i took a glance at the door seeing Professor Romanoff walk in. "fuck" I moved slightly trying to hide behind Sarah who looked at me raising her eyebrow.

"what?" Sarah asked looking around to see what i was trying to hide from.

"she's here" I whispered and Sarah burst out laughing. "shut up" I spat and she turned fully trying to find Professor Romanoff.

"ooooo redhead?" Sarah turned back to me crouching down to be on my level as i still slouched in the chair. I just nodded and the smirk on her face terrified me. "Professor Romanoff!" Sarah shouted and then moved her chair so i was on full display as Professor Romanoff turned looking directly at me.

My eyes widened as we made eye contact, and she smirked seeing me blush slightly flustered. "you fucking asshole! i hate you so much!" I spat at Sarah as she pissed herself laughing.

I was too busy chastising her that i hadn't noticed Romanoff coming over to our table.

"ladies, Y/n and i'm assuming her best friend.." Romanoff spoke trailing off looking between us.

"Sarah" Sarah introduced herself as Romanoff nodded looking back at me.

"well you're quite the prankster Sarah, what you pulled the first day" Romanoff crossed her arms over her chest causing her breasts to push up. I sighed to myself quickly stopping myself from gawking at my Professor in the middle of a cafe.

"oooh yeah, um sorry. i just couldn't resist she's so easy to prank" Sarah admitted and i looked down shaking my head.

"well i didn't appreciate Ms Y/l/n coming into my lecture late" Romanoff smirked as she spoke looking between Sarah and i. I wanted to die this was so awkward. "i have to go, it was nice to meet you Sarah and i'll see you thrusday Y/n" Romanoff winked at me again before walking away.

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