chapter twenty seven

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week two

~ time skip ~

It had been a few hours since arriving at Natasha's. We had made ourselves some peanut butter sandwiches. Natasha swears by them, she's 33 and still eats peanut butter sandwiches.

I told her that was a bit sad but she just pouted adorably so then i had to apologise and give her kisses. We also did do some of my homework, started out with Russian and then she tried helping with my other subjects.

We have since forgotten about my homework and began fighting over what game to play. "mario kart is superior" I argued.

Natasha huffed as she rolled her eyes, "as if, we're playing crash bandicoot. end of" I scoffed crossing my arms as we stared each other down.

"i want to play mario kart" I persisted as we kept our intense stare off.

"it's my switch so i get to decide" Natasha argued turning to put in crash bandicoot.

"i'm the guest, i should get to choose" Natasha stopped turning back to face me as she narrowed her eyes. "i won't give you your surprise tonight" I purred lowly, Natasha's eyes widened.

"watch it, принцесса" I just smirked as i shrugged. "don't act up now" I raised my eyebrow challenging her. [princess]

"or what?" Natasha pursed her lips before letting her gaze drop to mine as she slowly walked back over to me. Her jaw clenched as she got closer before she was an inch away from me.

"fine, we'll play mario kart" I beamed, happy to be getting my way before Natasha's hand wrapped around my throat. "don't get too smug slut, or i'll have to put you on your place"

I gasped widening my eyes at her statement immediately feeling my knees weaken. Natasha chuckled darkly as she smirked leaning in to peck my lips.

"that's what i thought" Natasha let go of my throat causing me to almost fall from my wobbly legs. She quickly went to change the game over before she joined me back on the sofa.

"prepare to have your ass whooped" Natasha stated getting the game set up. I was still sort of coming down from the whole hand on my throat moment as i just stared at Natasha.

I hadn't really gotten to appreciate her side profile yet. However it was definitely the best i've ever seen, her jawline was incredible, so sharp. The effortless curves and ridges from her forehead to the top of her nose to her plump lips.

"Y/n?" Natasha turned as i hadn't replied to whatever question she had asked. "are you alright? did i go too far before?" Natasha looked between my eyes searching for some kind of answer.

"no" I simply replied, this wasn't enough for Natasha as she titled her head and knitted her eyebrows together. "i just can't get over how incredibly stunning you are. also, i think you should uh do that little stunt more often" I smirked growing confident in myself again.

"oh is that right?" I just nodded as Natasha leaned into my body. "i'll keep that in mind sweetheart. now back to the ass whooping?" I giggled nodding again as Natasha sat back and we finally got into the game.

I don't own my own switch but i have played mario kart before so i was expecting to be really good at it. Man was i wrong, i mean i was still better than the computer players but Natasha was in fact whooping my ass.

"okay, maybe we should play crash bandicoot. that way we're on the same team" I spoke as the little awards played showing Natasha winning once again.

"i told you" Natasha sassed as she stood up to change the game over.

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