chapter four

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week one

~ monday evening ~

I had just walked out of my last lecture of the day, i was so exhausted. After Russian i had Economics and Business which were so full on. My brain was literal mush after being in those lectures for a few hours.

I made my way back to the dorms groaning when i remember the stair elevator situation. Once i had climbed all the stairs i was panting like crazy as i grabbed my keys out unlocking the door and quickly falling onto my bed.

Sarah still wasn't back yet so i just decided to stay laying down until she got back. I must have fallen asleep because i was woken up by the door opening and Sarah huffing as she walked in.

"fuck those stairs are gonna be the death of me" She groaned falling onto her own bed as i sat up glaring at her.

"Sarah what the fuck!" I spat and she slowly moved to look at me. "that was so not cool man. i was late for my first lecture!" I started yelling at her and she rolled her eyes sitting up to look at me properly. "and that outfit, are you fucking crazy!" Sarah scoffed rolling her eyes.

"oh come on it was hilarious. plus those were your clothes so" She shrugged and i shook my head standing up to walk over to her.

"fuck you" I pointed my finger at her and she just stuck her tongue out as i walked into the bathroom. I was planning on having a shower but when Sarah barged in my plans went out the window.

I crossed my arms staring at her. "well was the new professor hot?" She enquired raising her eyebrow as i clenched my jaw.

"no! now get the fuck out so i can shower!" I shouted and she put her arms up walking out of the bathroom closing the door behind her.

I took a long hot showers to try and wash away the day i've had. I have to admit i thought about Professor Romanoff a little as well. The way her tight pants accentuated her curves especially the curve of her ass. Shit no i shouldn't be thinking about her like that she's my professor, but she was definitely flirting with me. I mean the way she was looking me up and down. To be fair my outfit was a bit much but still professors are not suppose to look at their students that way.

After my shower i walked back into the room in just a towel to see Sarah laying on her stomach on her phone. "you ready to talk to me yet" She asked as i sat on my bed drying my hair.

"fine, but you're still an a annoying bitch" I snarled back and Sarah just laughed sitting up cross legged facing me.

"yeah yeah whatever. so the professor?" Sarah wiggled her eyebrow as i rolled my eyes.

"she's hot, like lord have mercy on me hot. she gives off real MILF vibes but like without the kids obvs, you know" I explained and she nodded the whole time. "she's a redhead, so totally my type already. she's kinda a bitch again-"

"totally your type" Sarah jumped in finishing my sentence as i nodded.

"oh and her body, mmm fuck" I bit my lip thinking about it and Sarah laughed at my reaction.

"that good?" She raised her eyebrows as i nodded frantically.

"bro she's a literal goddess, i don't know how i'm gonna concentrate in her lectures" I shrugged falling back onto my bed.

"why concentrate when you can just fuck her and get good grades" Sarah suggested and i shook my head even though she couldn't see it.

"Sarah! i mean i'm pretty she was flirting with me sooo" I said sceptically and Sarah laughed falling back onto her bed. "what she was?" I defended.

"yeah right, sure sure bitch" Sarah stood back up walking over to the bathroom before turning back around. "there's no way a hot as hell professor was flirty with a student. you wish Y/n" With that she entered the bathroom closing the door behind her as i thought about what she said.

Maybe she's right i mean why would my professor flirt with me i'm just a student. Plus she could literally go out and pull anyone she'd like why waste her time on little old me.

I had gotten dressed and was reading through the homework i got today when Sarah walked out of the bathroom. "what are you doing?" She asked as she began getting dressed.

"my homework dipshit" I spat back keeping my focus on the paper in front of me. I was starting with my Russian homework.

"what is that?" Sarah asked looking over my shoulder and i looked up at her then back at the paper.

"Russian" Sarah made an audible 'oh' before walking back to her bed plopping down.

"so what exactly happened between you and Professor-" She trailed off and i huffed turning in my chair to look at her.

"Romanoff, Professor Romanoff" I finished her sentence as she nodded waiting for me to continue. "well she basically yelled about me in front of the whole class when i walked in late, thanks" I fake smiled and Sarah nodded jokingly.

"when she was handing out our worksheets she whispered in my ear and then smirked" I shrugged and Sarah's face lit up.

"what did she whisper?" She asked eagerly.

"'don't slouch' cause i was slouching, i know nothing 'real flirty' but then she asked me to stay back" Sarah nodded listening carefully as i continued. "she wanted to know if i have a lecture immediately after hers, i don't. then she commented on my outfit saying how inappropriate it was but all the time looking me up and down smirking" Sarah gasped.

"oh shit, she chastised you but still checked you out. fuck maybe she was flirting" Sarah admitted and i nodded.

"see i told you, she also winked at me right when i was leaving" I added and Sarah stood up.

"she winked at you!" She practically shouted and i nodded causing her to laugh. "fuck man she's totally got the hots for you. you're welcome" She sassed and i rolled my eyes.

"fuck off i'm not thanking you for anything" I spat back standing up to move to my bed. Sarah didn't say anything after that as we both just went about our night routines. I did end up getting a little bit of my homework done but i was so exhausted i decided to have an early night.

"you better not pull any shit tomorrow or i swear imma kill you" I threatened Sarah and she just put her arms up in defence. I shook my head turning over to try and get some sleep.

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