Chapter 4

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I arrived in Roswell at 1pm and drove straight to my new apartment. Mr White hadnt sent me much information about the landlord other than his name and phone number so i could call and pick up the keys. Lucky for me it seems he bet me here. I get out of my car and stretch before walking up to him, he speaks up before i get the chance to introduce myself, "Hi you must be Annie", guess Mr White chose my new name for me.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you, you must be rick?" He chuckles before speaking again, "That's me, here are your keys", he hands me a set of two keys, "one is the front door key and the other is for the mailbox".

"Sorry I can't remember, was there any car parking with the apartment?"

"Na just street parking, you shouldn't have any trouble finding a spot though, did you want some help getting your things up the stairs?". As much as I would love not to lug everything up the stairs myself, I don't want him to see anything suspicious in my luggage, like guns or my documents on Elloit Miller, "no thanks, I'll manage". With that, he walks away and leaves me to get myself settled.

I get to work carrying my bags and boxes into the apartment, which doesn't take too long given how few belongings I have.

Once I have unpacked most of my things I realise just how hungry I am, guess with the non-stop driving I didn't eat lunch.

I leave my apartment and decide to wander around the town and see what's around.

Its a pretty small town, with that small-town charm. One grocery store, one bakery and a handful of cafes and little boutiques filled with handmade clothes. Towards the edge of town is an auto shop, the Heathens auto shop to be exact, I quickly turn back towards the centre of town before anyone can see me, I want to have control over how and when any of the Heathens meets me.

I head into one of the cafes I passed earlier, Little Teacups, a cute name, doesn't quite seem to fit the vibe of the town though. The inside is surprisingly modern and somewhat art deco, with darker painted walls, some seating near the entrance with round tables and gorgeous velvet dark green couches. I head straight to the front counter and begin looking through the display of pastries. I decide on treating myself to my favourite sweet treat, a classic vanilla slice, and order a large coffee to go with it. Not exactly a healthy lunch but I light to treat myself from time to time.

I choose a seat outside so I can people-watch whilst I eat, an underrated activity in my opinion. I decided I should probably get a story together as to why I moved here and who I am. I am Annie Walters, I moved here for a quiet place to live in order to get away from the crazy that is the city. I often work in bars or restaurants for other undercover jobs so figure I may as well stick with what I know and look for bartending and waitressing jobs when I get home tonight. I have plenty of money but getting a job will help me to blend in as just another townie.

I finish my coffee and then head to the supermarket before heading home. When I make it home I notice there is a bar next door, how did I not see that when I arrived here. It's only 4pm so the bar isn't open yet, but I make a mental note to pop in there later and ask about a job. I Head into my apartment and change into some comfy clothes before settling on the couch with a tea and begin reading a new novel.

When I finally manage to tear my eyes away from my book I notice that it is already 6:30pm. I quickly get changed as I'm still wearing the activewear I drove here in today, then I head downstairs to the bar. I head inside and it's already pretty busy even though it's a Wednesday night. I head to the bar and take a seat and look around. There's a small stage on the back wall where a man is playing country music. I turn my focus back to the bar and try to flag down a bartender. I manage to grab their attention a female bartender comes over. She had short blonde hair and bright blue eyes, she should be modeling not working behind a bar.

"Hey!, I haven't seen you around before, just passing through?"

"No, I just moved here actually" I reply, trying to sound chipper, even though all i want right now is to line up a job and then go straight home to my book.

"Why would anyone choose to move here," she asks with a laugh.

"I wanted to move somewhere quiet, start fresh I guess". I probably should of thought of a better reason as to why I moved here, maybe something a little less vague.

"Well, you definitely found somewhere quiet, Im Charlotte", crap, I guess I just met Elliot's sister without being ready to.

"I'm Annie."

"Nice to meet you Annie, now what can I get you?"

I order myself a Vodka soda and decide I may as well ask her if she knows of any jobs going around.

"We have a job available here, we need a bartender and waitress, got any experience?"

"Actually that's about all I've ever done for work"

"Perfect I'll talk to my brother and put in a good word for you, he owns the place"

Guess I should have been a bit more thorough with my research on Elliot Miller and his businesses, like maybe the names of the businesses.

Charlotte passes me my drink and then heads off to talk to her brother. Looks like I might be meeting my mark sooner than I thought.

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