Chapter 11

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Elliot was standing by the door watching me. 'I didn't know you smoked'.

'Well, it's not every day you almost get blown up'.

He walks towards me and takes a seat on the step next to me.

We sit in silence for what feels like an hour before he speaks again.

'Are you okay?'

I'm not used to being asked that question. I'm a lone wolf in life. I go where I'm needed, do a job on my own, and then go home, alone.

I know I should be scared or anxious or something, but I feel fine, completely normal. I guess when you get shot at often enough a little bombing doesn't affect you anymore. So I tell him the truth.

'Yeah, I'm okay, are you?'

I don't really know why I bothered asking him, I am sure this is business as usual for him. That's why his answer surprises me.

'No' that one word stuns me. Here is a man who is president of a club, deals with firearms on a regular basis, gets shot at and from the information I read about the club's history, has survived shootouts at the club and 2 bombings. I guess there is a lot I don't really know about this man.

'You look surprised that I'm not okay'

I didn't realise I had a shocked expression on my face at his admission.

'I guess I am, I just thought in your line of work something like this is not entirely uncommon'

He looks up and lets out a heavy breath, 'I guess it's not but...' he remains quiet for a minute before continuing 'this time there was someone new I was afraid of losing' as he speaks those last words he turns to look at me with emotion-filled eyes.

I was so stunned I just stared at him. We remained this way for a while before we were interrupted by someone clearing their throat behind us.

We both turned around to see Charlotte by the door, 'sorry I was just wanting to check on you Annie, but it seems my brother bet me to it' she had a mischievous glint in her eye, 'I guess I'll leave you two alone then', she began to quietly chuckle as she headed back inside.

'I should probably get back inside and check on everyone' with that Elliot got up and headed inside.

I remained outside for a few more minutes before also making my way inside again.

I headed to the bar and grabbed myself a beer before looking around for Charlotte. I found her sitting in a booth with some other women and headed in her direction.

'Annie! come sit" Charlotte motioned to the free spot next to her and then pointed to the two girls sat on her other side, 'this is Ambar and Faith, Ambar is Blake's old lady'.

'So you're the new chick Elliot has the hots for' I choked on my beer as Faith said this.

'Ignore Faith she's still upset that Elliot doesn't want a bar of her' Charlotte said as she slapped my back to help me stop choking.

After this awkward first introduction was over we fell into a comfortable conversation for the next few hours before we decided it was time to call it a night before the men got drunk and unruely.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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