Chapter 6

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When I awoke the next morning I dove straight into work. I set up cameras outside my apartment and drove by the Heathens club to take photos of the grounds and the people who went in and out over the course of the morning.

I wanted to know how many people were going in and out each day and with how. I also wanted to know who were trusted by Elliot by seeing who he spent the majority of his time with.

Once everything was set up and I was satisfied with the photos I had taken I went home to study the images before my trial shift started at the bar.

After an hour or two of going through photos and some research on the dark web, I think I have figured out the key players in the Heathens Club and who Elliot seems to hold closest. His sister doesn't seem overly involved with the gang as she never went inside the gates. His Vice President Blake was in and out all day and often with Elliot at his side so he is someone to keep an eye on. His Seargent at Arms Pat wasn't there a lot but when he was he seemed in a very tense conversation with Elliot just outside the gates, so he must also be close to Elliot and probably one of the members most involved in their illegal activities.

Now that I know a bit more about the key players I know who to be careful around and who I might eventually have to take out in order to get closer to Elliot.

I put away my images and any other sensitive information and begin getting ready for my trial shift. I decided to wear a simple black top and some skinny jeans with some heeled boots as I wasn't given a uniform or any details on what to wear. I do some simple and subtle makeup and put my hair in a simple ponytail before leaving the house and heading next door.

Once I enter the bar I look around for either Elliot or Charlotte. I spot Charlotte's blonde hair almost immediately, and head over to her.

"Hey Charlotte", she whips around with a smile on her face.

"Hey Annie, here for the trail shift?"

"Yeah I am, do you mind showing me where I can put my stuff?"
"Of course, ill give you a tour of the place"

She says goodbye to the group of girls she was talking with when I arrived and then heads towards a set of doors next to the main bar.

"This hallway has a set of staff bathrooms, Elliot's office and then here is the staff room, which is really just a place to store your things and get ready".

She opens the door and shows me the staff room. It's pretty small with one wall lined with cubies with some bags and things in it, and then there is a small vanity and mirror with two chairs in front of it.

"You can put your things anywhere, no one will steal anything"

I choose a cubie at the end of a row and put my things inside.

"Elliot isn't in yet so ill just show you around the bar and help you get acquainted with where everything is and maybe get you to start doing some bartending"

"Sounds great to me", I smile to her.

We head back to the main room and she leads me behind the bar.

I spend the next 30 minutes getting familiar with the layout of the bar and where everything is and how to work their tills before Charlotte lets me start serving customers.

Everything is going pretty smoothly, I've made a few drinks, mainly just pouring beers, and am getting to know the other bartender Garret. He's not a member of the Heathens but seems to respect them. We talk about the town and how we both ended up here, however, everything I've told him is a lie and just part of my cover identity. We continue chatting whilst working until we are interrupted, "glad to see you are settling in so quickly" I turn around and Elliot is sitting at the bar.

"Yeah, everyone here is lovely and Charlotte helped me find my way around the bar and to work your systems, I hope that's ok?"

"That's fine, I had planned to be here earlier to do all that but I got caught up with other engagements"

I'm sure that code for being busy doing illegal things I can't discuss.

"I'll leave you to keep bartending and we'll chat at the end of the night to see how you went and how you like the job and go from there." With that, he walks away and leaves me to get back to serving the growing number of customers trickling in.

By 8 pm the bar is packed and it's so loud I can barely hear myself think. Garrett and I now have Charlotte behind the bar helping us out but even with the three of us bartending the line of customers seems to continue to grow not shrink. It stays like this until at least 10:30 or 11 pm, at this time I finally feel like I can relax again. I try to clean up as much as possible as I'm sure Elliot will probably want to have a chat soon as the bar closes at 11:30 tonight.

Sure enough, after only 10 minutes of cleaning Elliot comes behind the bar and asks me to meet him in my office once I got my things and am ready to go.

I head to his office door and knock before I hear a quiet "come in" come from the other side. I enter his office, and he directs me to take a seat across from his desk.

"So how did you go working here tonight? It was a lot busier than we expected but you looked like you handled it okay."

"I kind of loved the chaos," I say with a laugh. "It was challenging being so busy but I feel like I handled it well and got into a groove with Garrett and Charlotte pretty easily".

Elliot nods along to everything I say and by the time I'm finished speaking, I feel almost nervous. Having a very handsome man sitting across from you giving away so little of what he is thinking is very intimidating.

"Well, I think it's pretty clear you will fit right in here, the job is yours if you still want it"

Inside I am positively beaming but I simply nod and accept the job.

"I'll send you the paperwork to sign and Charlotte handles the rosters so she will text you your shifts for the rest of the week, you'll be paid weekly and Charlotte will also oversee this."

I thank him and when he doesn't say anything else I take it as my cue to leave.

On my way out of the bar, I thank Charlotte for her help and tell her that I've accepted the job. She practically squeals with excitement and lets me know she will call me tomorrow to sort out my shifts.

I head home, shower, and go straight to bed, the long day and busy shift catching up to me.

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