Rough sex

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I had a vision , for the life that was ahead of me I thought I would go to collage, get married at 25 have three kids by the time I'm thirty come home every night to a loving husband I thought I knew exactly where I was going but I guess fate had another

" Mrs. Steven's the doctor will see you now " the lady in blue scrubs and a forced smile tells me.

I get up and hand her the clipbored filled with all the paperwork I filled out.

I walked down the hall and into my doctors office and shut the door.

" Good morning Jo! How are you "doctor Chamberlain greeted with a big smile her blonde hair pulled back into a tight ponytail.

" I'm good " replied and pushed myself up onto the bed.

" So , I understand that you and your husband are trying to have a baby correct?" She asked looking through my paperwork.

I nodded " yea we've been trying for a year now and still no results" I explained I explained with a sigh. Which was true we have been trying for a kid but it seems like nothings happening.

"OK im sure its nothing to big , maybe some of your eggs aren't ovulating The timing of ovulation is complex and can take some studying of your body and your cycles to figure out. "

Dr.Chamberlain reassured me, all I could do was nod in response. I silently prayed that it was only that my body wasn't ovulating. Me and David been trying to have kids for years and something doesn't feel right.

" OK " I said dryly

" I'm going to need you to lie down on the table and lift your shirt up." She said overly excited.

I did as I was told anticipating every secind , Not knowing what to expect which, scares me even more.

Lying on the medical bed , I felt the cold ultrasound gel suddenly pour onto my stomach and then I felt the warmth of the transducer on my stomach.

Dr.Chamberlain started to move the transducer around for a while.

" Hmmm " she quietly almost like she was talking to herself.

" So do you see a bun in that oven anytime soon?"

She looked at me with sad eyes

" Look Jo I know you and your husband have been trying for a while "

" okay..." I said trying to hide the worry in my voice

She sighed

" You don't ovulate, you might have
Polycystic ovary syndrome, which can cause irregular menstrual cycles and affects about 5 to 10 percent of women and is one of the most common reasons women don't ovulate."

A wave of worry hit me like a tsunami

" Are you saying that I can't have kids" I asked gripping the edge of the bed in fear. That is the last thing that I wanted to hear , not at this point in my life.

" No I'm not sure, but my theory is that you have Polycystic ovary syndrome, a and if that's the case then your chances are very slim but its still possible it just going to be very hard."

I nooded , to upset And knowing if I said anything than the tears would stat flowing out

" But I don't know for sure so I'm going to run a few more tests and then once the results come in I'll call you and schedule you an appointment" she reassured me and smiled

I noided again gathering my stuff and hoping off the bed

" Hey its gonna be okay.." Dr.Chamberlain said giving me a reassuring squeeze on my arm

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